Antisecretory agent 1
Antisecretory agent
• H2-receptor antagonist
– Mechanism
– Pharmacological action
– Uses 2
Antisecretory agent
• Proton pump inhibitors
– Mechanism
– Pharmacological action
– Uses 3
At the end of this lecture, student will be able to
• Explain the pharmacology of H2-receptor antagonist
• Describe the pharmacology of proton pump inhibitors 4
H2 receptor antagonist
E.g. Cimetidine,ranitidine,nizatidine,famotidine
• First class of highly effective drugs for acid-peptic disease
• The H2 antagonists are competitive antagonists of histamine at the
parietal cells H2 receptor
• They suppress the normal secretion of acid by parietal cells and the
meal-stimulated secretion of acid 5
• Inhibits gastric acid secretion, as well as pepsin and gastrins output
• It also blocks the activity of cytochrome P-450 which might explain
proposals for use
• Cimetidine binds to an H2-receptor located on the basolateral
membrane of the gastric parietal cell, blocking histamine effects
• This competitive inhibition results in reduced gastric acid secretion
and a reduction in gastric volume and acidity 6
H2 receptor antagonist cont..
Pharmacological actions:
• Cimetidine and all other H2 antagonists block histamine-induced
gastric secretion, cardiac stimulation
• The only significant in vivo action of H2 blockers is marked inhibition
of gastric secretion
• The H2 blockers have antiulcerogenic effect
• Gastric ulceration due to stress and drugs (NSAIDs,cholinergic,
histaminergic) is prevented uterine relaxation (in rat) and bronchial
relaxation 7
H2 receptor antagonist cont..
Pharmacological actions
• Cimetidine has antiandrogenic action (displaces dihydrotestosterone
from its cytoplasmic receptor), increases plasma prolactin and inhibits
degradation of estradiol by liver
• High doses given for long periods have produced gynaecomastia
• Loss of libido
• Decrease in sperm count 8
H2 receptor antagonist cont..
• Cimetidine is adequately absorbed orally
• Absorption is not interfered by presence of food in stomach
• Crosses placenta reaches milk
• 2/3 of a dose is excreted unchanged in urine 9
H2 receptor antagonist cont..
• Headache, dizziness, bowel upset, dry mouth,rashes
• CNS effects like confusional state, restlessness,convulsions and coma
have occurred infrequently in elderly patients
• Release histamine 10
H2 receptor antagonist cont..
Drug Interactions
• Isoenzymes and reduces hepatic blood flow
• Inhibits the metabolism of many drugs so that they can accumulate
to toxic levels, e.g. theophylline,phenytoin, carbamazepine
• Antacids reduce absorption of all H2 blockers
• Ketoconazole absorption is decreased by cimetidine 11
H2 receptor antagonist cont..
• Ranitidine has a furan ring H2 blocker, it has several desirable
features compared to cimetidine About 5 times more potent than
• Pharmacokinetic profile and t½ of 2–3 hr is similar to cimetidine
• No antiandrogenic action, does not increase prolactin secretion
• Lesser permeability into the brain 12
• Ranitidine is a competitive, reversible inhibitor of the action of
histamine at the histamine H2 receptors found in gastric parietal
• This results in decreased gastric acid secretion and gastric volume,
and reduced hydrogen ion concentration 13
H2 receptor antagonist cont..
• Famotidine,thiazole ring containing H2 blocker which binds tightly
to H2 receptors
• Longer duration of action elimination t½ of 2.5–3.5 hr 5–8 times
more potent than ranitidine
• Antiandrogenic action is absent
• The oral bioavailability of famotidine is 40–50% and it is excreted by
the kidney 14
H2 receptor antagonist cont..
Therapeutic uses
• Duodenal ulcer
• Gastric ulcer
• Stress ulcers and gastritis
• Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
• Prophylaxis of aspiration pneumonia 15
Ranitidine Vs Cimetidine
• Ranitidine, a new H2-receptor blocking antihistamine
• Pharmacokinetically similar to cimetidine, but its potency is about
eightfold greater
• The clinical response to ranitidine is more prolonged, largely
because of potency and not kinetic advantage
• Ranitidine for 6 to 25 months is not associated with hepatic or
hematologic toxicity or alterations of serum gastrin levels 16
Ranitidine Vs Cimetidine cont..
• Ranitidine can adequately inhibit acid secretion in patients with
gastric hypersecretory disorders
• Safe at high doses, does not cause the antiandrogen side effects
frequently seen with high doses of cimetidine 17
Proton pump inhibitors
a) Reversible
Omeprazole(OMEZ) , Rebaprazole
b) Irreversible
Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole, Laminoprazole 18
Proton pump inhibitors cont..
• Omeprazole It is the prototype member of substitute
benzimidazoles which inhibit the final common step in gastric acid
secretion inactive at neutral pH
• React covalently with SH groups of the H+K+ATPase enzyme and
inactivate it 19
• Omeprazole is a selective and irreversible proton pump inhibitor
• It suppresses stomach acid secretion by specific inhibition of the
H+/K+-ATPase system found at the secretory surface of gastric
parietal cells
• The duration of inhibition is up to 72 hours 20
Proton pump inhibitors cont..
• Oral absorption of omeprazole is ~50%,
• Bioavailability of all PPIs is reduced by food
• Metabolised in liver by CYP2C19 and CYP3A4
• No dose modification
• Antisecretory action increases on daily dosing to reach a plateau
after 4 days 21
Proton pump inhibitors
Therapeutic uses
• Peptic ulcer
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
• Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
• Stress ulcers
• Bleeding peptic ulcer
• Aspiration pneumonia 22
Proton pump inhibitors cont…
• Nausea
• Loose stools
• Headache
• Abdominal pain
• Muscle and joint pain
• Dizziness
• Leucopenia
• Hepatic dysfunction
• Gynaecomastia and erectile dysfunction 23
Proton pump inhibitors cont…
Drug interaction
• Clarithromycin inhibits omeprazole metabolism and increases its
plasma concentration
• Omeprazole inhibits oxidation of certain drugs: diazepam,
phenytoin and warfarin levels may be increased 24
Proton pump inhibitors cont…
• It is the S-enantiomer of omeprazole
• Higher oral bioavailability and to produce better control of
intragastric pH than omeprazole in GERD patients because of longer t½
• More potent than omeprazole but similar in properties. Inhibition
• of H+ K+ ATPase by lansoprazole
• It has higher oral bioavailability, faster
• Onset of action and slightly longer t½ than omeprazole. 25
Proton pump inhibitors cont…
• Newer H+ K+ ATPase inhibitor, similar in potency and clinical
efficacy to omeprazole
• More acid stable and has higher oral bioavailability.
• Available for i.v. Administration
• Lower affinity for cytochrome P450 than omeprazole
• Risk of drug interactions is minimal 26
• H2 blockers competitively blocks the binding of histamine to H2
• H2 blockers, are a class of medications that block the action
of histamine at the histamine H2 receptors of the parietal cells in
the stomach
• Decreases the production of stomach acid H2antagonists can be
used in the treatment of dyspepsia peptic
ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease 27
• PPIs irreversibly inhibits the H+/K+ ATPase (the proton pump), the
terminal step in the acid secretory pathway
• Both basal and stimulated gastric acid secretion is reduced
• Oral administration is the most common route of administration,
although some injectable preparations are available 28
Thank You