Correlation hand made notes

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Correlation is a statistical measure that explains the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. The goal of correlation analysis is to determine if two variables are related or not.


The strength of the relationship between two variables can range from -1 to +1, where -1 represents a perfect negative correlation, +1 represents a perfect positive correlation, and 0 represents no correlation at all.


Positive Correlation:

A positive correlation occurs when an increase in one variable is associated with an increase in the other variable. For example, as the number of hours of study increases, the grades tend to increase. In this scenario, the correlation coefficient is positive, indicating a positive relationship.


Negative Correlation:

A negative correlation, on the other hand, occurs when an increase in one variable is inversely associated with a decrease in the other variable. For example, as the number of hours spent sleeping increases, the number of hours spent working/studying decreases. In this scenario, the correlation coefficient is negative, indicating a negative relationship.


No Correlation:

No correlation exists between the variables if the correlation coefficient is zero. For example, no correlation exists between the number of hours spent playing chess and the number of hours spent watching videos on Youtube.


Correlation analysis is crucial in various fields, including psychology, economics, biology, finance, and meteorology. It helps researchers understand the underlying relationship and interpret the data more accurately.

1. Handwritten notes

2. Note taking

3. Handcrafted notes

4. Personal notes

5. Study materials  

6. Learning resources

7. Printable notes

8. Note making

9. Self-study 

10. Revision notes 

11. Handmade study guides

12. Creative notes

13. Handwriting practice 

14. Study aids

15. Organized notes