Pharma marketing management sem 8 (unit 3) hand written notes pdf

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Promotion is one of the essential elements of the traditional marketing mix that involves communication activities aimed at informing, persuading, and influencing target customers to purchase a product or service. Promotion is an important tool that businesses use to increase brand visibility, build brand awareness and promote their products to the targeted customers.

Promotion can take many forms, such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations.

Advertising: Advertising is a form of paid promotion that involves using different media such as print, electronic, outdoor, and digital media channels to promote products and services. Advertising is a costly and effective tool of promotion that is not limited to large businesses, but even small businesses can benefit from the right advertising techniques.

Personal selling: Personal selling is a promotion technique that involves face-to-face interaction between salespersons and potential customers. Personal selling is vital in situations where customers require specific information or services that require consultation.

Sales promotion: Sales promotion refers to the use of short-term incentives to stimulate sales of a product or service. Coupons, discounts, free samples, and contests are typical sales promotion techniques used to encourage buying behavior.

Direct marketing: Direct marketing is a promotion technique that uses direct communication to target individual customers through email, text messaging, or direct mail. Direct marketing allows businesses to target and reach customers in a more personalized and cost-effective way.

Public relations: Public relations (PR) is a promotion technique that involves managing the public perception of a business or product. This technique involves maintaining a positive image of the company while addressing any negative feedback or criticism that comes to light.

In conclusion, promotion is a critical technique that organizations use to communicate with their target customers, build brand image, encourage sales and customer loyalty, and gain a competitive advantage. Effective promotion strategies result from understanding the dynamics of the market, considering customer needs, and proper targeting of promotional activities on various channels.
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