Pharmacokinetics excretion hand written notes pdf

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Pharmacokinetics is the study of how the body processes drugs. One important aspect of pharmacokinetics is drug excretion, which refers to the removal of drugs or their metabolites from the body.

Drug excretion can occur through several routes, including:

  1. Renal excretion: Most drugs are eliminated from the body through the kidneys in the form of urine. This process involves filtration of the drug from the blood into the urine, followed by active or passive transport of the drug into the urine. The rate of renal excretion depends on the drug’s molecular properties and the function of the kidneys.

  2. Biliary excretion: Some drugs are eliminated from the body through the bile, which is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. These drugs are excreted into the small intestine and can be eliminated in the feces.

  3. Pulmonary excretion: Some drugs can be eliminated from the body through the lungs. This occurs through passive diffusion of the drug from the blood into the air spaces in the lungs, followed by exhalation.

  4. Sweat and saliva excretion: A small amount of drugs can be eliminated from the body through sweat and saliva.

The rate of drug excretion is an important factor in determining the duration of action and the clearance of drugs from the body. In some cases, drugs may be metabolized into active or inactive metabolites before being excreted. The rate and route of drug excretion can also be affected by factors such as age, gender, renal function, liver function, and drug interactions.

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