Introduction and Importance of Statistics
Croxton and Cowden defined statistics as the science
of collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation
of numerical data from the logical analysis.
Statistics have role in decision-making processes e.g.
Decision to market a new Drug
For long time, Statistics was identified solely with the
displays of data and charts pertaining to the
economic, demographic, and political situations
prevailing in a country.
Passive display of numbers and charts is now a minor
aspect of statistics
What, then, are the role and principal objectives of
statistics ????
Statistics deals with collecting informative data,
interpreting these data, and drawing conclusions about
a phenomenon under study.
The principles and methodology of statistics are useful
in answering questions such as,
What kind and how much data need to be collected?
How can we analyze the data and draw conclusions?
How do we assess the strength of the conclusions and
limit their uncertainty?