S ubject Code:2X25002 Date:08/01/2020
S ubject Name: T.R.D.-II
T ime:02:30 PM TO 05:30 PM Total Marks: 40
I nstructions:
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Answer the following questions. (any four): 04
1. Define picture plane and ground plane
2. Mention any two methods used to obtain a perspective view
3. When will the size of a perspective be larger than the object?
4. Define Vanishing points.
5. Define Isometric Projection.
Q.2 Draw 1 pt perspective of the object shown in Fig 1 such that the object is below the EL. 10
(Scale 1:20)
Q.3 Draw 2 pt perspective of the object shown in Fig 2 such that the object is below the EL. 10
(Scale 1:50)
Draw 3 pt perspective of the object shown in Fig 2 such that the object is below the 10
EL.(Scale 1:50)
Q. 4 Draw Orthographic projections and Sciography for following objects with light at 45° 08
1. Plane of 50 mm*70mm on VP, 60mm above HP
2. Vertical line of 50 mm on HP, 30 mm away from VP
3. Horizontal line of 50 mm on stuck on VP, 60 mm above HP
4. Cube of 30mm each side on HP, 50 mm away from VP
Draw Sciography with light at 45° for Fig 3 in Isometric view (Scale 1:50)
Q. 5 A square prism of base 40 mm and axis length 75 mm is resting on HP on its base with a 08
(a) side of base inclined at 30° to VP. It is cut by a plane inclined at 45° to HP and
perpendicular to VP and is bisecting the axis. Draw the surface development of the
remaining portion of the prism.
Draw the development of the lower portion of a cylinder of diameter 45 mm and axis 70 08
mm when sectioned by a plane inclined at 40° to HP and perpendicular to VP and bisecting
(b) the axis.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
S ubject Code:2X25003 Date:31/12/2019
S ubject Name: Building Construction-II
T ime:02:30 PM TO 05:30 PM Total Marks: 40
1. Attempt ANY FIVE questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Define an Arch. Draw an elevation of an arch mentioning all its parts and 08
give classification of arches mentioning two examples of each.
Q.2 (a) Explain with the help of diagrams, various systems of plumbing used for 04
house drainage
(b) Write short notes on (i) Urinals and (ii) Flushing cisterns 04
Q.3 Write short notes of ANY TWO: 08
(i) Timber
(ii) Glass
(iii) Paints
(iv) Tiles
Q.4 Draft to a particular scale; Plan, Elevation and Section of a Dog-legged 08
staircase explaining all the terms used in a stair.
Q.5 Draft to a particular scale; the Plan, Elevation and Section of a Single 08
shuttered Timber paneled Door, of opening size 1000MM x 2100MM.
Q.6 Explain in brief ANY TWO: 08
(i) What is window? Explain any four types of windows.
(ii) Define Foundation. Explain any 4 types of foundations.
(iii) Explain Skylights with the help of examples.
(iv) Explain various types of hinges used for doors and windows.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
S ubject Code:2X25004 Date:02/01/2020
S ubject Name: Structure-I
T ime:02:30 PM TO 04.30 PM Total Marks: 50
I nstructions:
1. Question. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four out of remaining six questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Give importance of architectural planning & structure in architecture field. 05
(b) Enlist the salient features for the basic requirements of a structure. 05
Q.2 (a) Explain Varignon’s principal of Moments. 05
(b) Give names of various structural members in building & explain it with 05
neat sketch.
Q.3 (a) A mild steel bar 9m long and 10mm diameter is acted by a tensile force of 05
100kN. If young’s modulus is 2 x 105N/mm2, find value of stress, strain
and elongation.
(b) Explain Types of beams and types of supports with neat sketches 05
Q.4 (a) A simply supported beam AB is having a span of 5 m carrying udl of 25 05
KN/m over entire span. Find the support reactions.
(b) Define force system. Give characteristics of forces. 05
Q.5 A simply supported beam AB of span 8 m is subjected to two point loads 10
of 10 KN & 20 KN acting at 2 m from each support and Udl of 10kN/m is
acting over entire span. Find the reactions at the support.
Q.6 (a) Give difference between Load bearing & Frame structure buildings. 05
(b) Explain various types of loads acting on a structure with sketch. 05
Q.7 Two tensile forces of 40 KN & 60 KN is acting at a point with an angle of 10
60° between them. Find the magnitude & direction of resultant force using
law of parallelogram or law of triangle.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
S ubject Code:2X25005 Date:10/01/2020
S ubject Name: History of Architecture – I
T ime: 02:30 PM TO 04:30 PM Total Marks: 50
1. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Make sketches to support your answer.
Q.1 A As an architect, why do we need to study historical settlements and 5
civilizations? List down 5 to 7 points.
B What is the difference between settlements and civilizations? 3
C What is the difference between culture and society? 2
Q.2 Explain any four civilizations in reference to Architectural
advancements, influence of geographical and climatic conditions,
cultural aspects, and socio-economic scenario.
A Indus valley 10
B Egyptian 10
C Mesopotamian 10
D Chinese 10
E Greek 10
F Romans 10
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
S ubject Code:2X25006 Date:06/01/2020
S ubject Name: Architectural Communication Skills-II
T ime: 02:30 PM TO 04:30 PM Total Marks: 50
I nstructions:
1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q. 1 (a) Precise the following passage and give a suitable title. (06)
India has witnessed great expansion of educational opportunities since the attainment of
independence. However, the disables children have not yet benefited in any substantial manner from
the growth in educational facilities. Education of handicapped children, ultimately become more
dependent and non-productive. It is therefore believed that scarce national resources should not be
wasted on them. Further, it has been our misconceived notion that the education of handicapped
children requires highly specialized people and as such, it must essentially be very costly. Maybe,
precisely for these wrong notions, we have not been able to involve clinical and educational
specialization programmers of training and education exclusively meant for handicapped children.
It is encouraging to note that the new National Policy on Education has recommended the placement
of such children in regular schools so as to provide them integrated education along with normal
students. The integrated education will take care of the different needs of various categories and types
of disabled children. The objective is to place the disabled children in ordinary schools for imparting
education with the help of special teachers, aids and other resources. For fulfilling this objective, an
array of the necessary infrastructure by way of training of teachers, provision of equipment and book
etc. are some of the basic pre-requisitions. Hopefully, the parents and their handicapped children will
be greatly relieved when the latter are transferred to regular schools.
Q.1 (b) How does Précis writing help professionally? (04)
Q.2 (a) Enlist the various types of professional letters. (05)
Q.2 (b) What is the importance of presentation skills for an Architect. (05)
Q.3 (a) What are the different types of Interviews? (05)
Q.3 (b) What are do’s and don’ts of Group Discussion. (05)
Q.4 (a) Suggest various ways to develop positive attitude. (05)
Q.4 (b) Explain the difference between a Professional letter and a Personal letter. (05)
Q.5 (a) Self-awareness is a way to boost self-confidence —— Explain the following terms to justify
this statement: —- (05)
1. Accept compliments and learn from criticism.
2. Do not be overambitious but be thankful for what you have.
Q.5 (b) “If reading books provides a base of your study, reading journals would bring in practical
polish to your professional thinking”. Explain the statement. (05)
Q.6 (a) List out 5 safety measures while using internet and community sites? (05)
Q.6 (b)“ Possibility of your selection through group discussion purely depends on your skills.”
Illustrate given statement (05)
Q.7 (a) Explain the importance of Body Language in an Interview. (05)
Q.7 (b) Explain the two fold purpose of an Interview. (05)