Cosmetics – Regulation in India PDF | PPT



Cosmetics – Regulation in India




➢ Definition of Cosmetic products

➢ History

➢ Requirements of Labeling of Cosmetics

➢ Regulatory Provisions relating to import of cosmetics

➢ Misbranded cosmetics

➢ Spurious cosmetics

➢ Offences & Penalties 2



➢ As per Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 , cosmetics are defined in

➢ Section 3 (aaa)] ―Cosmetic” means any article intended to be

rubbed, poured, sprinkled or sprayed on, or

➢ introduced into, or otherwise applied to, the human body or

➢ any part thereof for cleansing, beautifying, promoting

attractiveness, or

➢ altering the appearance, and includes any article intended for use as

a component of cosmetic. 3


History – Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 &
Rules 1945

➢ This act was originally known as the Drug Act and was passed in


➢ The original act was prepared in accordance to the

recommendations of the Chopra Committee formed in 1930.

➢ The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) was passed by

the India’s Parliament on dated 10th April, 1940 .

➢ Since 1940, the act has undergone several amendments and is now

known as the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.

➢ An Act to regulate the import, manufacture, distribution and sale of

drugs and cosmetics; 4



➢ The primary objective of the act is to ensure that the drugs and

cosmetics sold in India are safe, effective and conform to state

quality standards.

➢ It consist of 5 Chapters and 38 Sections

➢ Chapter- I- Introductory

➢ Chapter II- The Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB), the

Central Drugs Laboratory(CDL) and the Drugs Consultative

Committee(DCC) 5



➢ Chapter III -Import of Drugs and Cosmetics

➢ Chapter IV – Manufacture, Sale and Distribution of Drugs and


➢ Chapter IV A – Provisions relating to Ayurvedic Siddha and Unani


➢ Chapter V -Miscellaneous

➢ The related Drugs Rules was passed in 1945. 6


List of Amending Acts and Adaptation
➢ The Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1955

➢ The Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1960

➢ The Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1962

➢ The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1964

➢ The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1972

➢ The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1982

➢ The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1995

➢ The Drugs and cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 2008.

➢ The Drugs and cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 2010.

➢ The Drugs and cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 2016. 7


Amending Act & Rules related to Import of

➢ The Government of India has issued a Gazette Notification G.S.R

426(E), dated 19th May 2010 for amending the Drugs &

Cosmetics Rules, 1945 providing for registration of import of

cosmetics into the Country.

➢ The above provision came into effect from the 1st April, 2011.

➢ But, in view of the various possible difficulties apprehended by the

stakeholders, its implementation has been deferred till the 31st

March, 2013. 8


Amending Act & Rules related to
Manufacture of Cosmetics for Sale or
➢ Gazette notification G.S.R 510(E) , dt. 26-7-1982 for providing

Standards for cosmetics in finished form under Schedule S.

➢ Gazette notification G.S.R 723(E) , dt. 11-8-1992 for providing

requirements of factory premises for manufacture of cosmetics

under schedule M-II.

➢ Gazette Notification G.S.R. 811(E) , dated 14.11.1994. for

providing list of dyes, colours and pigments permitted to be used in

cosmetics and soaps as given under is : 4707 under Schedule Q. 9


Cosmetic Products

The following cosmetic products are regulated under Drugs and

Cosmetics Act & Rules,1945

1.Skin Powders.

2. Skin Powder for infants.

3. Tooth Powder.

4. Toothpaste.

5. Skin Creams.

6. Hair Oils.

7. Shampoo, Soap-based.

8. Shampoo, Synthetic-Detergent based. 10



9. Hair Creams.

10. Oxidation hair dyes, Liquid.

11. Cologne.

12. Nail Polish (Nail Enamel).

13. After Shave Lotion.

14. Pomades and Brilliantines.

15. Depilatories Chemical.

16 .Shaving Creams.

17. Cosmetic Pencils.

18. Lipstick. 11



19. Toilet Soap.

20. Liquid Toilet Soap.

21. Baby Toilet Soap.

22. Shaving Soap.

23. Transparent Toilet Soap. 12


Part XV – Labelling, Packing and
Standards of Cosmetics

➢ R.148. Manner of labelling

➢ R.148A. Prohibition against altering inscriptions on containers,

labels or wrappers of cosmetics.

➢ R.148B – Prohibition against false or misleading claims

➢ R.149. Labelling of Hair dyes containing Dyes, Colours and


➢ R.149A. Special provisions relating to toothpaste containing

fluoride. 13



➢ 148. Manner of labelling.–Subject to other provisions of the rules,

a cosmetic shall carry.–

➢ (1) on both the inner and outer labels;

➢ (a) the name of the cosmetic,

➢ (b) the name of the manufacturer and complete address of the

premises of the manufacturer where the cosmetic has been


➢ Provided that if the cosmetic is contained in a very small size

container where the address of the manufacturer cannot be given,

the name of the manufacturer and his principal place of manufacture

shall be given along with pin code. 14



➢ (2) On the outer label.– A declaration of the net contents expressed

in terms of weight for solids, fluid measure for liquids, weight for

semi-solids, combined with numerical count if the content is sub-


➢ Provided that this statement need not appear in case of a package of

perfume, toilet water or the like the net content of which does not

exceed 60 ml or any package of solid or semi- solid cosmetic the net

content of which does not exceed 30 grams.

➢ (3) On the inner label, where a hazard exists–

➢ (a) adequate direction for safe use, 15



➢ (b) any warning, caution or special direction required to be

observed by the consumer,

➢ (c) a statement of the names and quantities of the ingredients that

are hazardous or poisonous.

➢ (4) A distinctive batch number, that is to say, the number by

reference to which details of manufacture of the particular batch

from which the substance in the container is taken are recorded and

are available for inspection, the figures representing the batch

number being preceded by the letter “B” 16



➢ Provided that this clause shall not apply to any cosmetic containing

10 grams or less if the cosmetic is in solid or semi-solid state, and

25 millilitres or less if the cosmetic is in a liquid state:

➢ Provided further that in the case of soaps, instead of the batch

number, the month and year of manufacture of soap shall be given

on the label.

➢ (5) Manufacturing licence number, the number being preceded by

the letter ‘‘M’’. 17 18



➢ (6) Where a package of a cosmetic has only one label, such label shall

contain all the information required to be shown on both the inner and

the outer labels, under these Rules.

➢ (7) The list of ingredients, present in concentration of more than one

percent shall be listed in the descending order of weight or volume at

the time they are added, followed by those in concentration of less

than or equal to one percent, in any order, and preceded by the words


➢ Provided that this statement need not appear for packs of less than 60

ml of liquid and30 gm of solid and semi-solids. 19 20


➢ (8) Labeling requirement, if any, specified in the relevant Indian

standard as laid down by the “Bureau of Indian Standards” for the

cosmetics covered under Schedule S.

➢ 148A. Prohibition against altering inscriptions on containers,

labels or wrappers of cosmetics.-

➢ No person shall alter, obliterate or deface any inscription or mark

made or recorded by the manufacturer on the container, label or

wrapper of any cosmetic:

➢ Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any alteration,

inscription or mark made on the container, label or wrapper of any

cosmetic at the instance or direction or with the permission of the

licensing authority. 21



➢ 148B – Prohibition against false or misleading claims :-

➢ No cosmetic may purport or claim to purport or convey any idea

which is false or misleading to the intending user.

➢ 149. Labelling of Hair dyes containing Dyes, Colours and

Pigments.—Hair dyes containing Para-Phenylenediamine or other

Dyes, Colours and Pigments shall be labelled with the following

legend in English and local languages and these shall appear on

both the inner and the outer labels.

➢ Caution—This product contains ingredients which may cause skin

irritation in certain cases and so a preliminary test according to the

accompanying direction should first be made. 22



➢ This product should not be used for dyeing the eye-lashes or eye-

brows; as such a use may cause blindness.

➢ Each package shall also contain instructions in English and local

languages on the following lines for carrying out the test:

➢ This preparation may cause serious inflammation of the skin in some

cases and so a preliminary test should always be carried out to

determine whether or not special sensitivity exists. To make the test,

cleanse a small area of skin behind the ear or upon the inner surface

of the forearm, using either soap and water or alcohol. Apply a small

quantity of the hair dye as prepared for use to the area and allow it to

dry. 23


++ 24



➢ After twenty-four hours, wash the area gently with soap and water.

If no irritation or inflammation is apparent, it may be assumed that

no hypersensitivity to the dye exists. The test should, however, be

carried out before each and every application. This preparation

should on no account be used for dyeing eye- brows or eye-lashes

as severe inflammation of the eye or even blindness may result.

➢ 149A. Special provisions relating to toothpaste containing


➢ (i) Fluoride content in tooth paste shall not be more than 1000 ppm

and the content of fluoride in terms of ppm shall be mentioned on

the tube and carton.

➢ (ii) Date of expiry should be mentioned on tube and carton. 25


Part XIII – Import and Registration of

➢ R.129. Registration of cosmetic products imported into the country.

➢ R.129A. Form and manner of application for Registration


➢ R.129B. Registration Certificate for the import of cosmetics

manufactured by one manufacturer.

➢ R.129C. Grant of Registration Certificate.

➢ R.129D. Duration of Registration Certificate.

➢ R.129E. Suspension and Cancellation of Registration Certificate

➢ R.129F. Prohibition of import of certain cosmetic.

➢ R.129G. Standard for imported cosmetics. 26



➢ R.129H. Labeling and Packing of Cosmetics

➢ R. 131. Procedure for the import of cosmetics.

➢ R.132. Exemption of cosmetics

➢ R.133. Import through points of entry

➢ R.134. Cosmetic to contain Dyes, Colours and Pigments

➢ R.134-A Prohibition of import of cosmetic containing


➢ R.135. Import of cosmetic containing Lead or Arsenic compound


➢ 135-A. Import of cosmetics containing mercury compounds


➢ 135-B. Prohibition of import of cosmetics tested on animals. 27



➢ 129. Registration of cosmetic products imported into the

country.- No cosmetic shall be imported into India unless the

product is registered under the rules by the licensing authority

appointed by the Central Government under rule 21 or by any

person to whom such powers may be delegated under rule 22.

➢ 129A. Form and manner of application for Registration

Certificate.- (1) An application for issue of a Registration

Certificate for cosmetics intended to be imported into India shall be

made in Form 42 either by the manufacturer himself or by his

authorized agent or importer in India or by the subsidiary in India 28


authorized by the manufacturer and shall be accompanied by a fee

of 250 US dollars or its equivalent to Indian rupees for each brand

of cosmetic.

➢ The application shall be accompanied by a treasury challan as

specified in sub-rule (3) along with the information and undertaking

as specified in Schedule D (III) duly signed by or on behalf of the

manufacturer or by his authorized agent or importer in India or by

the subsidiary in India authorized by the manufacturer.

➢ (2) An authorization by the manufacturer to his agent in India shall

be duly authenticated either in India before a First Class Magistrate

or in the country of origin before such an equivalent authority. 29


Who can apply for Registration of Import
of Cosmetics / who can be an importer:

➢ The Manufacturer himself having registered office in India.

➢ The Authorized Agent of the Manufacturer

➢ The Subsidiary of the Manufacturer

➢ Any other importer

➢ A “Manufacturer” means a person or entity in a Country other than

India who owns the trade name of the brand of the cosmetic product

for which registration has been applied for and who / which

manufactures such product at his / its own manufacturing site or at a 30


➢ site owned by another manufacturer in the trade name of his / its


➢ An “Authorized Agent” means a person or entity in India authorized

by the manufacturer. The authorized agent will be responsible for

the business activities of the manufacturer in India including

compliance to the provisions of the Act in all respects.

➢ Subsidiary” means an entity in India owned by the manufacturer.

➢ “Any other importer” means any person or entity purporting to

import cosmetic products other than the manufacturer, its authorized

agent and its subsidiary. 31



➢ A “Brand” will not mean the trade name of any product of a

manufacturer or the manufacturer himself / itself.

➢ A “Brand” for the purpose of these rules will mean each category of

cosmetic products

➢ Ex: Face care products other than face mask ,Eye contour products,

Lip care products, Hand care products, Foot care products, Body

care products, Soap products, Bath / shower products, Make-up

remover products, Shaving products etc..

➢ A “Brand” will include all variants of a product e.g. colour, shades,

pack sizes, etc. 32


➢ 129B. Registration Certificate for the import of cosmetics

manufactured by one manufacturer.-

➢ A single application may be made and a single Registration Certificate

in Form 43 may be issued in respect of import of one or more than

one cosmetics manufactured by the same manufacturer: Provided that

the cosmetics are manufactured at one factory or more than one

factory functioning conjointly as a single manufacturing unit.

➢ 129C. Grant of Registration Certificate.-

➢ (1) On receipt of an application for Registration Certificate in the

form and manner specified in rule 129A, the licensing authority shall,

if satisfied, issue a Registration Certificate in form 43 subject to the

conditions of the registration certificates in form 43: 33



➢ Provided that if the application is complete in all respects and

information specified in Schedule D III is in order,

Schedule D (III) -Information and undertaking required to be

submitted by the manufacturer or his authorized

importer/distributor/agent with the application form for a

Registration Certificate.

1.Particulars of the manufacturer and manufacturing


➢ (a) Name and address of the manufacturer and manufacturing

premises to be registered along with telephone numbers, Fax

numbers and e-mail address. 34



➢ (b) Name(s) and address of the Partners/Directors.

➢ (c) Name and address of the authorized importer/distributor/agent in

India, responsible for the business of the manufacturer.

➢ (d) A brief profile of the manufacturer ‘s business activity, in domestic

as well as global market.

2. Particulars of the Cosmetics to be Registered under

Registration Certificate.-

(a) Names of cosmetics along with their brands name, category,

pack sizes and variants to be registered and meant for import into

and use in India. 35



➢ (b) Particulars of the manufacturing licenses/registration/marketing

authorizations (if any) under which the cosmetics are being

manufactured in the country of origin along with the copy of the

licenses/ marketing authorization/registration issued by the

Regulatory Authority of that country.

➢ (c) List of countries where marketing authorization or import

permission for the said cosmetic has been granted.

3. Chemical Information of Cosmetics.-

➢ (a) Name(s) of ingredients in the nomenclature of standard

references, along with percentages contained in the cosmetic. 36


➢ (b) Specification and testing method for testing of the cosmetic(s).

➢ (c) Manner of labelling as per Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

➢ (d) Package insert (if any).

4. Undertaking to declare that.-

➢ (a) We shall comply with all the conditions imposed on the

Registration Certificate for the import of cosmetics as required

under the provisions of Drugs and Cosmetics rules, 1945.

 (b) We declare that we are carrying on the manufacture of the

cosmetics mentioned in this Schedule, at the premises specified

above, and we shall from time to time report any change of

premises on which manufacture will be carried on and in cases 37



➢ where manufacture is carried on in more than one factory any

change in the distribution of functions between the factories.

➢ (c) We shall comply with the provisions of Part XIII of the Drugs

and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

➢ (d) Every cosmetic manufactured by us for import under the

Registration Certificate into India shall conform to the

specifications given in the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945 as

amended from time to time.

➢ (e) We shall inform to the licensing authority, within 30 days in the

event of any change in variants or in category or in manufacturing 38



 location or in labelling or in documentation of any of the cosmetic

pertaining to the certificate to be granted to us.

 We shall from time to time report for any administrative action

taken due to adverse reaction, viz. market withdrawals/regulatory

restriction, or cancellation of authorization and/or ―not of standard

quality report of any cosmetic pertaining to the Registration

Certificate declared by any Regulatory Authority of any country

where the cosmetic is marketed/sold or distributed. The dispatch

and marketing of the cosmetic in such cases, shall be stopped and

the licensing authority shall be informed immediately. 39



➢ (g) We shall comply with such further requirements, if any, as may

be specified, by the Government of India, under the Act and the

Rules, made there under.

➢ (h) We shall allow the licensing authority or any person authorized

by him in that behalf to take samples of the cosmetics for testing if

considered necessary by the licensing authority.

➢ 129D. Duration of Registration Certificate.-

➢ A Registration Certificate, unless it is sooner suspended or

cancelled, shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of

its issue: Provided that if application for a fresh Registration 40



Certificate is made within six months before the expiry of the said

certificate, the existing Registration Certificate shall be deemed to

continue to remain in force until orders are passed on the


➢ 129E. Suspension and Cancellation of Registration Certificate.-

➢ If the manufacturer fails to comply with any of the conditions of

the Registration Certificate, the licensing authority may after giving

him an opportunity to show cause why such an order should not be

passed, by an order in writing, stating the reasons therefor, suspend

or cancel the Registration Certificate for such period as it thinks fit

either wholly or in respect of some of the cosmetics to which it

relates: 41



➢ Provided that a person who is aggrieved by the order passed by the

licensing authority under this rule may, within thirty days of the

receipt of the order, appeal to the Central Government and the

Central Government may after such enquiry into the matter as it

considers necessary and after giving the said appellant an

opportunity of being heard pass orders as it thinks fit.

➢ 129F. Prohibition of Import of certain Cosmetic.-

➢ No cosmetic, the manufacture, sale or distribution of which is

prohibited in the county of origin, shall be imported under the same

name or under any other name except for the purpose of

examination, test or analysis. 42


➢ 129G. Standard for Imported Cosmetics.-

➢ No cosmetic shall be imported unless it complies with the

specifications prescribed under Schedule S and Schedule Q or any

other standards of quality and safety, applicable to it, and other

provisions under the rules. In case the cosmetic is not included

under Schedule S, it shall meet with specifications under the rules

and standards applicable to it in the country of origin.

➢ 129H. Labeling and Packing of Cosmetics.-

➢ No cosmetic shall be imported unless it is packed and labeled in

conformity with the rules in Parts XV. Further the label of imported

cosmetics shall bear registration certificate number of the product

and the name and address of the registration certificate holder for

marketing the said product in India. 43


131. Procedure for the import of cosmetics.

➢ (1) If the officer appointed at the post of entry by the Central Government

has reason to believe that any cosmetic contravenes any of the provisions

of the Act or the rules made thereunder he may take sample of the

cosmetic from the consignment for inspection. If on examination of the

sample defects are noticed the officer shall advise the Collector of

Customs for further action to be taken.

➢ If the suspected contravention of the provisions of the Act or the Rules is

such as may have to be determined by test, the officer shall send the

sample to the laboratory established for the purpose for performing such

tests. The consignment of the said cosmetic shall be detained till such

time that the test report on such sample is received from the Director of

the said laboratory or any other officer of the laboratory empowered by

him in this behalf with the approval of the Central Government: 44


132. Exemption of cosmetics

➢ Cosmetics as may be specified in Schedule D shall be exempted from

the provisions of Chapter III of the Act and the Rules made thereunder

to the extent and subject to the conditions specified in that Schedule.

133. Import through points of entry

➢ No cosmetic shall be imported into India except through the points of

entry specified in rule 43A.

➢ In respect of drugs imported by rail across the frontier with Pakistan. –

Freozepore Cantonment and Amritsar Railway Stations

➢ In respect of drugs imported by rail across the frontier with Bangladesh

– Petrapole Road in West Bengal, Sutarkandi in Assam, Old Raghna

Bazar and Agartala in Tripura : 45


134. Cosmetic to contain Dyes, Colours and Pigments.-

➢ No Cosmetic shall contain Dyes, Colours and Pigments other than

those specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards (IS:4707 Part 1 as

amended) and Schedule Q.

➢ The permitted Synthetic Organic Colours and Natural Organic

Colours used in the cosmetic shall not contain more than:-

➢ (i) 2 parts per million of arsenic calculated as arsenic trioxide.

➢ (ii) 20 parts per million of lead calculated as lead.

➢ (iii) 100 parts per million of heavy metals other than lead calculated

as the total of the respective metals. 46


134-A Prohibition of import of cosmetic containing


➢ No cosmetic containing hexachlorophene shall be imported.

135. Import of cosmetic containing Lead or Arsenic compound


➢ No cosmetic shall be imported in which a Lead or Arsenic

compound has been used for purposes of colouring.

135-A. Import of cosmetics containing mercury compounds


➢ No cosmetic shall be imported which contains mercury compounds. 47


135-B. Prohibition of import of cosmetics tested on animals.

➢ No cosmetic that has been tested on animals after the commencement

of the Drugs and Cosmetics (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2014 shall be

imported into the country.

136. Import of cosmetic for personal use

➢ Small quantities of cosmetics the import of which is otherwise

prohibited under section 10 of the Act, may be imported for personal

use subject to the following conditions: —

➢ (i) The cosmetics shall form part of a passenger‘s baggage and shall be

the property of and intended for, the bona fide use of the passenger; and

➢ (ii) The cosmetics shall be declared to the Customs authorities, if they

so direct. 48


The documents are required to be
submitted for grant of registration

➢ Covering letter by the applicant

➢ Form 42

➢ Treasury Challan

➢ Power of Attorney

➢ Schedule D III

➢ Original or a copy of the Label.

➢ Free Sale Certificate (FSC)/Marketing Authorization

letter/Manufacturing License, if any 49


➢ Product specification and testing protocol.

➢ List of countries where Market Authorization or import permission

or registration was granted.

➢ Pack insert, if any

➢ Soft copies of the information about the brands, products and

manufacturer 50


Conditions of the Registration Certificate.

➢ The Registration Certificate shall be produced by the authorized

importer/distributor/agent as and when required by the licensing

authority/regulatory authority.

➢ The manufacturer or his authorized importer/distributor/agent in

India shall inform the licensing authority forthwith in the event of

any administrative action taken namely, market withdrawal,

regulatory restrictions, or cancellation of authorization, and/or not

of standard quality report of any cosmetic pertaining to this

Registration Certificate declared by the Regulatory Authority of the

country of origin or by any Regulatory Authority of any other

country, where the cosmetic is marketed/sold or distributed. 51


➢ The dispatch and marketing of the cosmetic in such cases shall be

stopped immediately, and the licensing authority shall be informed

immediately. Further action in respect of such stopped marketing of

drug shall be followed as per the direction of the licensing authority.

In such cases, action equivalent to that taken with reference to the

concerned cosmetic in the country of origin or in the country of

marketing shall be followed in India also, in consultation with the

licensing authority. The licensing authority may, however, direct

any further modification to this course of action, including the

withdrawal of the cosmetic from Indian market within 48 hours

time period. 52


➢ The manufacturer or his authorized agent/importer/distributor or

subsidiary in India shall inform the licensing authority within 30

days in writing in the event of additional variants/additional

cosmetic category/additional manufacturing location or any change

in labeling or in testing, or in documentation of any of the cosmetic

pertaining to this Registration Certificate.

➢ In such cases, where there shall be additional variants/additional

cosmetic category/additional manufacturing location, as the case

may be, at the discretion of the licensing authority, the manufacturer

or his authorized agent/importer/distributor/subsidary in India shall

apply for necessary approval within 30 days by submitting a

separate application along with the registration fee. 53


➢ The manufacturer or his authorized agent in India shall inform the

licensing authority immediately in writing in the event of any

change in the constitution of the firm and / or address of the

registered office / factory premises operating under this Registration

Certificate. Where any such change in the constitution of the firm

and/or address takes place, the current Registration Certificate shall

be deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from

the date on which the change has taken place unless, in the

meantime, a fresh Registration Certificate has been taken from the

licensing authority in the name of the firm with the changed

constitution of the firm and/or changed address of the registered

office or factory premises. 54


Chapter III -Import of Drugs and
➢ S.9C. Misbranded cosmetics.

➢ S.9D. Spurious cosmetics.

➢ S.10. Prohibition of import of certain drugs or cosmetics.

➢ S.10A. Power of Central Government to prohibit import of drugs

and cosmetics in public interest.

➢ S.11. Application of law relating to sea customs and powers of

Customs Officers

➢ S.12. Power of Central Government to make rules

➢ S.13. Offences

➢ S.14. Confiscation

➢ S.15. Jurisdiction 55


S.10. Prohibition of Import of certain
Drugs or Cosmetics

➢ No person shall import—

➢ (a) any drug or cosmetic which is not of standard quality;

➢ (b) any misbranded drug or misbranded or spurious cosmetic;

➢ (bb) any adulterated or spurious drug;

➢ (c) any drug or cosmetic for the import of which a licence is

prescribed, otherwise than under, and in accordance with, such


➢ (ee) any cosmetic containing any ingredient which may render it

unsafe or harmful for use under the directions indicated or

recommended; 56


S.10A. Power of Central Government to
Prohibit Import of Drugs and Cosmetics
in Public Interest

➢ Without prejudice to any other provision contained in this Chapter,

if the Central Government is satisfied that the use of any drug or

cosmetic is likely to involve any risk to human beings or animals or

that any drug does not have the therapeutic value claimed for it or

contains ingredients and in such quantity for which there is no

therapeutic justification and that in the public interest it is necessary

or expedient so to do then, that Government may, by notification in

the Official Gazette, prohibit the import of such drug or cosmetic. 57


Offences Penalties

S.9D. Spurious cosmetics.—For the S.13. Offences.—(1) Whoever

purposes of this Chapter, a drug himself or by any other person

shall be deemed to be spurious,— on his behalf imports, —

(a) if it is imported under the name (a) any drug deemed to be

which belongs to another cosmetic; adulterated under section 9A or

or deemed to be a spurious drug

(b) if it is an imitation of, or is a under section 9B or any spurious

substitute for, another cosmetic or cosmetic referred to in section

resembles another cosmetic in a 9D or any cosmetic of the nature

manner likely to deceive or bears referred to in clause (ee) of

upon it or upon its label or container section 10 shall be punishable

the name of another cosmetic, 58


Offences Penalties

unless it is plainly or conspicuously with imprisonment for a term which

marked so as to reveal its true may extend to three years and a fine

character and its lack of identity which may extend to five thousand

with such other cosmetic; or rupees;

(c) if the label or the container bears

the name of an individual or

company purporting to be the

manufacturer of the cosmetic, which

individual or company is fictitious

or does not exist; or

(d) if it purports to be the product of

a manufacturer of whom it is not

truly a product. 59


Offences Penalties

S.9C. Misbranded cosmetics.— S.13. Offences.—(1) Whoever

For the purposes of this chapter, himself or by any other person

a cosmetic shall be deemed to be on his behalf imports, —

misbranded— (b) any drug or cosmetic other

(a) if it contains a colour which is than a drug or cosmetic referred to

not prescribed; or in clause (a), the import of which

(b) if it is not labelled in a is prohibited under section 10, or

prescribed manner; or any rule made under this Chapter,

(c) if the label or container or shall be punishable with

anything accompanying the imprisonment for a term which

cosmetic bears any statement may extend to six months, or with

which is false or misleading in fine which may extend to five

any particular. hundred rupees, or with both; 60


Offences Penalties

S.10A. Power of Central S.13. Offences.—(1) Whoever

Government to prohibit import of himself or by any other person

drugs and cosmetics in public on his behalf imports, —

interest (c) any drug or cosmetic in

contravention of the provisions of

any notification issued under

section 10A, shall be punishable

with imprisonment for a term

which may extend to three years,

or with fine which may extend to

five thousand rupees, or with both; 61


Offences Penalties

(2)Whoever having been (a) under clause (a) or clause (c) of sub-

convicted of an offence— section (1), is again convicted of an

offence under that clause, shall be

punishable with imprisonment for a term

which may extend to five years, or with

fine which may extend to ten thousand

rupees, or with both;

(b) under clause (b) of sub-section (1), is

again convicted of an offence under that

clause, shall be punishable with

imprisonment for a term which may

extend to one year, or with fine which

may extendwwtow.DoulonMeix.ctohmousand rupees, or62


Offences Penalties

S.11. Application of law relating to (3) The punishment provided by
sea customs and powers of this section shall be in addition to
Customs Officers. any penalty to which the offender

may be liable under the provisions
of section 11. 63



❖ Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 & Rules 1945 published by Ministry

of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India


❖ 64