






Document No : CDSCO/GDP.BP Ver. : 00

Effective Date : 08/10/2012

Central Drugs Standard Control Organization

Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India

FDA Bhawan, ITO, Kotla Road, New Delhi -110002.





1.0 Preamble 1

2.0 Objective 1

3.0 Scope 1

4.0 General Principles 2

5.0 Regulation of the Distribution of biological Products 3

6.0 Organization and Management 3

7.0 Personnel 4

8.0 Quality System 5

9.0 Premises Warehousing and Storage 7

10.0 Temperature, Environment and Storage Control 8

11.0 Transportation 9

12.0 Containers, Packaging and Labeling 12

13.0 Temperature Control during Transport 12

14.0 Dispatch and Receipt 13

15.0 Documentation 15

16.0 Complaints 17

17.0 Recalls and Returns 18

18.0 Spurious Biological Products 20

19.0 Importation 20

20.0 Contract Activities 21

21.0 Self-inspection 21





Distribution is an essential activity in the integrated supply-

chain management of biological products. Various individuals and

entities are generally responsible for the handling, storage and

distribution of such products. So it’s very important to have adequate

controls over the entire chain of distribution. To maintain the original

quality of biological products, every party involved in the distribution

chain has to comply with the applicable requirement. Each activity in

the distribution of biological products shall be carried out according to

the principles of Good Distribution Practice (GDP) as applicable (e.g.

dry ice, cold pack etc). The nature of the risks involved is likely to be

similar to that for risks encountered in the manufacturing

environment, e.g. mix-ups, adulteration, contamination, cross-

contamination, spurious besides inherent potential for degradation of

such products if not maintained and distributed under specified

storage conditions.



The objective of these guidelines is to assist in ensuring the

quality and identity of biological products during all aspects of the

distribution process. These aspects include, but are not limited to

procurement, purchasing, storage, distribution, transportation,

documentation and record-keeping practices.



These guidelines are intended to be applicable to all persons

and outlets involved in any aspect of the storage and distribution of

biological products from the premises of the manufacturer of the

product to the person dispensing or providing biological products

directly to a patient or his or her agent. This includes all parties

involved in trade and distribution of biological, including the

manufacturers of bulk, finished products, wholesalers, as well as

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others such as suppliers, distributors, Government institutions,

international procurement organization, donor agencies and certifying

bodies, logistics providers, traders, transport companies and

forwarding agents and their employees as well as health workers.



4.1 According to Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 and Drugs &

Cosmetic Rules 1945, Rules 64 and 65 specify the conditions to

be fulfilled to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale or distribute the


4.2 It shall be the responsibility of all parties involved in the

distribution of biological products to ensure that the quality of

biological products and the integrity of the distribution chain

are maintained throughout the distribution process from the

site of the manufacturer to the entity responsible for dispensing

or providing the product to the patient or his or her agent.

4.3 The principles of GDP shall be applicable both to biological

products moving forward in the distribution chain from the

manufacturer to the entity responsible for dispensing or

providing biological products to the patient and to products

which are moving backwards in the chain, for example, as a

result of the return or recall thereof and shall be applicable for

donated biological products.

4.4 There shall be collaboration between all parties including

government, custom agencies, law enforcement agencies,

regulatory authorities, manufacturers, distributors and entities

responsible for the supply of biological products to patients to

ensure the quality and safety of biological products and prevent

the exposure of patients to spurious biological products.

4.5 An agreement shall be in place with all the individual agencies

involved in the storage, transportation and distribution.

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5.1 The activities of persons or entities involved in the distribution

of products shall be regulated by applicable national legislation.

5.2 The distributor or the organization to which the distributor

belongs shall be an entity that is appropriately authorized by

applicable legislation to perform the function(s) that it intends to

perform and the distributor or the organization to which it

belongs shall be held accountable for the activities that it

performs related to the distribution of products.

5.3 Only authorized persons or entities who hold the appropriate

license shall be entitled to import or export biological products.

5.4 Distributors or their agents shall obtain their supplies of

biological products from persons or entities authorized to sell

or supply such products to a distributor and shall supply

biological products only to persons or entities which are

themselves authorized to acquire such products either in terms

of an authorization to act as a distributor or to sell or supply

products directly to a patient or to his or her agent.

5.5 If the activity of a distributor or his or her agent is

subcontracted to another entity, the person or entity to which

the activity is subcontracted shall be appropriately authorized to

perform the subcontracted activity and shall uphold the same

standards as the distributor.



6.1 An adequate organizational structure for each entity in the

chain of distribution shall be defined with the aid of an

organizational chart. The responsibility, authority and

interrelationships of all personnel shall be clearly indicated. An

organogram/ organizational chart shall be in place.

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6.2 There shall be clearly defined duties and responsibilities for

individuals and shall be recorded as written job descriptions. At

every level of the supply chain, employees shall be fully

informed and trained in their duties and responsibilities.

6.3 There shall be designated person appointed within the

organization, who has defined authority and responsibility for

ensuring that a quality system is implemented and maintained.

6.4 Managerial and technical personnel shall have the authority

and resources needed to carry out their duties and to set up

and maintain a quality system, as well as to identify and correct

deviations from the established quality system.

6.5 It shall be ensured that the responsibilities placed on any one

individual shall not be so extensive as to present any risk to

product quality.

6.6 There shall be arrangements in place to ensure that

management and personnel are not subject to commercial,

political, financial and other pressures or conflict of interest

that may have an adverse effect on the quality of service

provided or on the integrity of biological products.

6.7 Safety procedures relating to all relevant aspects including the

safety of personnel and property, environmental protection and

product integrity, shall be in place.



7.1 All personnel involved in distribution activities shall be trained

and qualified in the requirements of GDP, as applicable.

Training shall be based on written standard operating

procedures (SOPs). Personnel shall receive initial and

continuing training relevant to their tasks, and be assessed as

applicable, in accordance with a written training programme. In

addition, training of the personnel shall include the topic of

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product handling, safety and security, as well as aspects of

product identification, the detection of spurious biological

product and the avoidance of spurious biological product

entering the supply chain. A record of all training, which

includes details of subjects covered and participants trained,

shall be kept.

7.2 Key personnel involved in the distribution of biological products

shall have the ability and experience for ensuring that the

biological products are properly stored and distributed as per

the requirement of the product.

7.3 There shall be an adequate number of competent personnel

involved in all stages of the distribution of biological products in

order to ensure that the quality of the product is maintained.

7.4 Personnel involved in the distribution of biological products

shall wear garments and adopt other personnel protection

measures suitable for the activities that they perform.

7.5 Procedures for personnel hygiene relevant to the activities to be

carried out shall be laid down and observed. Such procedures

shall cover health, hygiene and clothing of personnel.



8.1 All biological product distributors shall establish and maintain

Quality System. There shall be documented quality policy

describing the overall intentions and requirements of

distributors regarding quality, authorized by the management.

8.2 There shall be an appropriate organizational structure with

defined responsibilities of the personnel recorded as job


8.3 A responsible person shall be appointed by the management for

each distribution site, who shall have defined authority and

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responsibility for ensuring that a quality system is implemented

and maintained.

8.4 Senior management shall ensure that all parts of quality system

are adequately resourced with competent personnel and

suitable and sufficient premises, equipments and facilities.

8.5 There shall be written and approved procedure for all the


8.6 A change control system shall be in place for management for

changes of critical processes. This system shall incorporate

quality risk management principles.

8.7 Procedures shall be in place to ensure quality related activities

are recorded at the time they are performed.

8.8 Procedures shall be in place to ensure safe, transparent and

secure distribution system which includes product traceability

throughout the supply chain.

8.9 There shall be procedures in place to ensure document

traceability of products received and distributed, to facilitate

product recall.

8.10 All parties involved in the supply chain shall be identifiable.

8.11 Deviations from established procedures shall be documented

and investigated.

8.12 Appropriate corrective and preventive action (CAPA) shall be

taken to correct deviations and prevent them.

8.13 Procedures for procurement and release shall be in place to

ensure that appropriate biological products are sourced only

from approved suppliers and distributed by approved entities.

8.14 Inspection, auditing and certification of compliance with a

quality system (such as the applicable International

Standardization Organization (ISO) series, or national or

international guidelines) by external bodies are recommended.

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9.1 Storage areas shall be maintained or designed to ensure Good

storage practices (GSP).

9.2 Storage areas shall be suitably secured, structurally sound and

of sufficient capacity to allow for the safe storage and handling.

9.3 Storage areas shall be provided with adequate lighting to enable

all operations to be carried out accurately and safely.

9.4 Precautions shall be taken to prevent unauthorized persons

from entering storage areas.

9.5 Segregated areas shall be designated for storage of the biological

products in quarantine and for storage of released, rejected,

returned or recalled products as well as those suspected to be


9.6 Storage areas shall be designed or adapted to ensure

appropriate and good storage conditions and shall be clean and

dry and maintained within acceptable temperature limits.

Biological products shall be stored off the floor and suitably

spaced to permit cleaning and inspection. Pallets shall be kept

in a good state of cleanliness and repair.

9.7 Premises and storage areas shall be cleaned regularly.

9.8 There shall also be a written programme for pest control and the

pest control agents used shall be safe and there shall be no risk

of contamination of biological products. There shall be

appropriate procedures for the clean-up of any spillage to

ensure complete removal of any risk of contamination.

9.9 If sampling is performed in the storage area, it shall be

conducted in such a way as to prevent contamination or cross-

contamination. Adequate cleaning procedures shall be in place

for the sampling areas.

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9.10 Receiving and dispatch bays shall protect biological products

from the weather. Receiving areas shall be designed and

equipped to allow incoming containers of biological products to

be cleaned, if necessary, before storage.

9.11 Handling and storage of biological products shall in such a

manner as to prevent contamination, mix-ups and cross-


9.12 There shall be a system in place to ensure that the biological

products due to expire first are sold and/or distributed first

(first expiry/ first out (FEFO)). Exceptions shall be permitted as

appropriate, provided that adequate controls are in place to

prevent the distribution of expired products.

9.13 Arrangement shall be made for withdrawing broken or damaged

items from unusable stock and storing separately.



10.1 All biological products shall be stored according to the

temperature and storage conditions as described on the label.

Adherence to these conditions shall be checked, monitored and


10.2 Storage conditions for biological products shall be in compliance

with the recommendations of the manufacturer. This is key to

ensure quality of all biological products.

10.3 Suitable equipments and procedures shall be in place to for

temperature monitoring of storage facilities.

10.4 Records of temperature monitoring data shall be available for

review. There shall be defined intervals for checking

temperature. The equipment used for monitoring shall be

checked at suitable predetermined intervals and the results of

such checks shall be recorded and retained. All monitoring

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records shall be kept for at least the shelf-life of the stored

product plus one year.

10.5 Storage areas shall be temperature mapped under

representative conditions. Temperature mapping shall show

uniformity of the temperature across the storage facility. It is

recommended that temperature monitors be located in areas

that are most likely to show fluctuations.

10.6 Equipment used for monitoring of storage conditions shall also

be calibrated at defined intervals.

10.7 Appropriate alarm system shall be in place to provide alerts

when there are deviations from pre- defined storage conditions.

10.8 Storage area shall be equipped with backup power source or

have alternate storage available in the event of power failure.

10.9 Written procedures shall be available for handling of

temperatures excursions outside the labeled storage conditions.

Such excursions shall be investigated.

10.10 Periodic stock reconciliation shall be performed by comparing

the actual and recorded stocks. This shall be done at defined


10.11 Stock discrepancies shall be investigated in accordance with a

specified procedure to check that there have been no

inadvertent mix ups, incorrect issues and receipts, thefts

and/or misappropriations of biological products.

Documentation relating to the investigation shall be kept for a

predetermined period.



11.1 Biological products shall be transported in accordance with the

storage conditions indicated on the packaging information and

on the label.

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11.2 The individuals responsible for the transportation of biological

products shall be informed about all relevant conditions for

storage and transportation. These requirements shall be

adhered to throughout transportation and at any intermediate

storage stages.

11.3 Biological products shall be stored and transported in

accordance with procedures such that:

11.3.1 The identity of the product is not lost.

11.3.2 The product does not contaminate and is not

contaminated by other products.

11.3.3 Adequate precautions are taken against spillage,

breakage, misappropriation and theft. Spillage

during transport shall be handled as per type of

vaccine (eg. live, killed, etc.) according to the

standard operating procedures of the


11.3.4 Appropriate environmental conditions are

maintained, e.g. using cold chain for thermo

labile products.

11.4 A written agreement between the manufacturer, Government

Institution, agent and Transport Company shall be in place.

11.5 Appropriate transport methods shall be employed which may

include transport by air, road, sea, rail or a combination of the

above. Regardless of the chosen mode, it shall be demonstrated

that the products have not been subjected to conditions during

transportation that may compromise their quality. A risk based

approach shall be utilized when planning transportation routes.

11.6 The required storage conditions for biological products shall be

maintained during transportation within the defined limits as

described on the packaging information.

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11.7 If a deviation has occurred during transportation, this shall be

reported to the distributor and recipient of the affected

biological products.

11.8 In cases where the recipient notices the deviation, it shall be

reported to the distributor. Where necessary, the manufacturer

of the biological product shall be contacted for information

about appropriate steps to be taken.

11.9 It is the responsibility of the distributor to ensure that vehicles

and equipment used to distribute, store or handle biological

products are suitable for their use and appropriately equipped

to prevent exposure of the products to conditions that could

affect their quality and packaging integrity, and to prevent

contamination of any kind.

11.10 Damage to containers and any other event or problem that

occurs during transit shall be recorded and reported to the

relevant department, entity or authority, and investigated.

11.11 There shall be procedures in place for the operation and

maintenance of all vehicles and equipment involved in the

distribution process, including cleaning and safety precautions.

Particular attention shall be paid to the fact that cleaning

agents shall not have an adverse effect on product quality.

11.12 Equipment used for temperature and humidity monitoring (Data

Logger) during transport within vehicles and/or containers,

shall be maintained and calibrated at regular intervals at least

once a year or earlier depending upon the criticality of the


11.13 All monitoring records shall be kept for a minimum of the shelf-

life of the product distributed plus one year or as required by

National legislation.

11.14 Records of monitoring data shall be made available for

inspection by the Regulatory Authority.

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11.15 Dedicated vehicles and equipment shall be used, where

possible, when handling biological products. Procedures shall

be in place to ensure that the quality of the biological product

shall not be compromised where non-dedicated vehicles and

equipment shall be used.

11.16 No defective vehicles and equipment shall be used and shall

either be labeled as such or removed from service.

11.17 Appropriate documents shall accompany biological products in




12.1 Biological products shall be transported in containers that have

no adverse effect on the quality of the products, and that offer

adequate protection from external influences, including


12.2 Selection of a container and packaging shall be based on the

storage and transportation requirements of the biological

products; namely the space required for the amount of

products; the anticipated external temperature extreme; the

estimated maximum time for transportation including transit

storage at customs and the validation status of the packaging

and shipment containers.

12.3 Labels on the containers shall bear sufficient information on

handling and storage requirements and precautions to ensure

that the products are properly handled and secured at all times.

The containers shall enable identification of the contents of the

containers and the source.




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13.1 Validated temperature-control systems (e.g. thermal packaging,

temperature-controlled containers, and refrigerated vehicles)

shall be used to ensure that correct transport conditions are

maintained between the distributor and customer.

13.2 If refrigerated vehicles are used, the temperature monitoring

equipment used during transport shall be maintained and

calibrated at regular intervals or at a minimum of once a year.

This includes temperature mapping under representative

conditions and shall take into account seasonal variations.

Customers shall be provided with data to demonstrate that

products remained within the required temperature storage

conditions during transportation, if requested.

13.3 If cool-packs are used in insulated boxes, they need to be

located such that the product does not come in direct contact

with the cool-pack. Staff must be trained on the procedures for

assembly of the insulated boxes (seasonal configurations) and

on the reuse of cool-packs.

13.4 Special care shall be taken when using dry ice in shipment


13.5 The process for delivery of sensitive products and control of

seasonal temperature variations shall be described in a written

procedure. This procedure shall also cover unexpected

occurrences such as vehicle breakdown or non-delivery. A

procedure shall also be in place for investigating and handling

temperature excursions.



14.1 Selling or distribution of biological products shall be done to

persons or entities that are authorized to acquire such products

in accordance with the applicable national, state and

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international legislation. It is required to obtain written proof of

such authority prior to the distribution of products to such

persons or entities.

14.2 The supplier shall ensure that the person or entity, e.g. the

contract acceptor for transportation of the biological products, is

aware of the biological products to be distributed and complies

with the appropriate storage and transport conditions prior to

the dispatch of biological products.

14.3 Only after the receipt of a valid delivery order or material

replenishment plan, the dispatch and transportation of

biological products shall be undertaken, which shall be


14.4 Written procedures for the dispatch of biological products shall

be established. Such procedures shall take into account the

nature of the product as well as any special precautions to be

observed. Biological products under quarantine shall require

release for dispatch by the person responsible for quality.

14.5 Records for the dispatch of biological products shall include at

least the following information:

 Date of dispatch;

 Complete business name and address (no acronyms), type

of entity responsible for the transportation, telephone

number and names of contact persons;

 Complete business name, address (no acronyms), and

status of the addressee (e.g. retail pharmacy, hospital or

community clinic);

 A description of the products including, e.g. name, dosage

form and strength (if applicable);

 Quantity of the products, i.e. number of containers and

quantity per container (if applicable);

 Applicable transport and storage conditions;

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 A unique number to allow identification of the delivery

order; and Assigned batch number and expiry date (where

not possible at dispatch, this information shall at least be

kept at receipt to facilitate traceability).

14.6 It shall be ensured that records of dispatch contain enough

information to enable traceability of the biological product. Such

records shall facilitate the recall of a batch of a product, if

necessary, as well as the investigation of spurious or potentially

spurious biological products; the assigned batch number and

expiry date of biological products shall be recorded at the point

of receipt to facilitate traceability.

14.7 It shall be ensured that the volume of biological products

ordered does not exceed the capacity of storage facilities at the


14.8 There shall be no supply or receipt of biological products after

their expiry date, or so close to the expiry date that this date is

likely to be reached before the products are used by the


14.9 Incoming shipments shall be examined to verify the integrity of

the container/closure system, to ensure that tamper-evident

packaging features are intact, and that labeling appears intact.



15.1 Documentation comprises all written procedures, instructions,

contracts, records and data, in paper or in electronic form.

15.2 Written instructions and records which document all activities

relating to the distribution of biological products, including all

applicable receipts and issues (invoices) shall be available.

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15.3 Distributors shall keep records of all biological products

received. Records shall contain at least the following


 Date;

 Name of the biological product, batch no, manufacturer’s


 Quantity received, or supplied; and

 Name and address of the supplier.

15.4 Procedures shall be established and maintained for the

preparation, review, approval, use of and control of changes to

all documents relating to the distribution process.

15.5 The contents of documents shall be clear and unambiguous. In

particular, instructions and procedures relating to activity that

may have an impact on quality of biological products shall be

designed, completed, reviewed and distributed with care.

15.6 Documentation shall be approved, signed and dated by

appropriate authorized persons, as required. It shall not be

hand-written; although, where documents require the entry of

data, sufficient space shall be provided for such entries.

15.7 Any alteration made in the documentation shall be signed and

dated; the alteration shall permit the reading of the original

information. Where appropriate, the reason for the alteration

shall be recorded.

15.8 Documents shall be retained for a period of 1 year after expiry of

the product.

15.9 Documents shall be reviewed regularly and kept up to date.

15.10 Records shall be kept either in the form of purchase/sales

invoices, delivery slips, or on computer or in any other form, for

any transaction in biological products received or supplied.

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15.11 Records shall be made at the time each operation is taken and

in such a way that all significant activities or events are


15.12 If electronic copies/data are stored then validation of computers

and database management system shall be in place.

15.13 All records shall be readily retrievable, and be stored and

retained using facilities that are safeguarded against

unauthorized modification, damage, deterioration and/or loss of


15.14 Backup shall be maintained to prevent any accidental data loss

where the records are generated and kept in electronic form.



16.1 Written procedure shall be in place for the handling of

complaints. A distinction shall be made between complaints

about a biological product or its packaging and those relating to

distribution. In the case of a complaint about the quality of a

product or its packaging, the original manufacturer and/ or

marketing authorization holder shall be informed as soon as


16.2 There shall be written procedure for reviewing carefully all

complaints and other information concerning potentially

defective and potentially spurious biological products describing

the action to be taken, including the need to consider a recall

where appropriate.

16.3 Any complaint concerning a material defect shall be recorded

and thoroughly investigated to identify the origin or reason for

the complaint.

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16.4 A risk based consideration shall be given to whether other

batches of the biological product shall also be checked if a

defect relating to a biological product is discovered or suspected.

16.5 Appropriate follow-up action shall be taken after investigation

and evaluation of the complaint where necessary. A system

shall be in place to ensure that the complaint, the response

received from the original product manufacturer, or the results

of the investigation of the complaint, are shared with all the

relevant parties.

16.6 There shall be documentation of product quality problems or

suspected cases of spurious products and sharing of the

information with the appropriate national and/or state

regulatory authorities.



17.1 There shall be a written procedure for the management of

recalls of defective biological products with a designated person

responsible for recalls. .

17.2 The system of recall shall comply with the guidance issued by

National or State Regulatory Authority

17.3 In the event of recall the original manufacturer and/or

marketing authorization holder shall be informed. Consultation

with the original manufacturer and /or marketing authorization

holder shall take place, where possible, before the recall is

instituted in case recall is instituted by an entity other than the

original manufacturer.

17.4 National or State Regulatory Authority shall be shared with

information on recall.

17.5 Recall operations shall be capable of being initiated promptly

and at any time.

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17.6 The distributor shall follow the instructions of a recall message,

which shall be approved, if required, by the competent


17.7 Any recall operation shall be recorded at the time it is carried

out and records shall be made available to the competent


17.8 The distribution records shall be readily available to the

person(s) responsible for the recall, and shall contain sufficient

information on distributors and directly supplied customers

(with addresses, phone and/or fax numbers inside and outside

working hours, batches and quantities delivered).

17.9 Recalled biological products shall be identified and stored

separately in a secure area while awaiting a decision on their


17.10 All customers and competent authorities of all countries to

which a given biological product may have been distributed

shall be informed promptly of any intention to recall the product

because it is, suspected to be defective.

17.11 All records shall be readily available to the designated person(s)

responsible for recalls containing sufficient information on

biological products supplied to customers (including exported


17.12 The progress of the recall process shall be recorded and a final

report shall be issued, including reconciliation between the

delivered and recovered quantities of the biological products.

17.13 Rejected biological products and those returned to a distributor

shall be appropriately identified and handled in accordance with

a procedure which involves at least:- the physical segregation of

such biological products in quarantine in a dedicated area; or

other equivalent (e. g electronic) segregation.

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17.14 Destruction of biological products shall be done in accordance

with international, national and local requirements regarding

disposal of such products, and with due consideration to

protection of the environment.

17.15 Records of all returned, rejected and/or destroyed biological

products shall be kept for a predetermined period.



18.1 Spurious biological products if found in the distribution chain

shall be completely segregated from other biological products,

clearly labeled as not for sale and national regulatory

authorities and manufacturer of the original product shall be

informed immediately.

18.2 The sale and distribution of a suspected spurious biological

product shall be suspended and the national regulatory

authority shall be notified without delay.

18.3 A formal decision shall be taken on its disposal, ensuring that it

does not re-enter the market upon confirmation of the biological

product being spurious and the decision shall be recorded.



19.1 Consignments of biological products shall be stored under

suitable conditions for as short a time as possible, at the port of


19.2 Importers shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that

biological products are not mishandled or exposed to adverse

storage conditions at wharves or airports.

19.3 Procedures shall be in place for quality assessment of imported

biological products.

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19.4 Customs, enforcement agencies and regulatory agencies

responsible for supervision of biological products shall establish

means for cooperation and information exchange in order to

prevent importation of spurious biological products.



20.1 Only parties appropriately authorized to distribute a biological

product shall be delegated to perform any activity relating to

distribution of such product and in accordance with the terms

of a written consent.

20.2 The responsibilities of each party including observance of the

principles of GDP and relevant warranty clauses shall be

defined in the contract. It shall also include responsibilities of

the contractor for measures to avoid the entry of spurious

biological products into the distribution chain, such as by

suitable training programme.

20.3 The requirements in these guidelines shall be complied with by

all contract acceptors.

20.4 Under certain conditions and subject to the written approval of

the contract giver, subcontracting may be permissible, provided

that the subcontractors shall be authorized for the function.

20.5 There shall be periodic audit of contract acceptors.



21.1 Self-inspections shall be included in the quality system. These

shall be conducted to monitor implementation and compliance

with the principles of GDP and, if necessary, to trigger corrective

and preventive measures.

21.2 A designated, competent person shall conduct self-inspection in

an independent and detailed way.

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21.3 There shall be records of self inspection results which shall

contain all observations made during the inspection and if

required proposal for corrective measures. There shall be an

effective follow-up programme and evaluation of inspection

report and corrective action taken by the management.

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