Organization of the pulmonary system



B.Sc. (H) Biochemistry
IInd Year, IVth Sem
Human Physiology
Respiratory System

Organization of the pulmonary system
Lecture-1 & 2

Dr. Prabha Arya


Respiratory System
 Consists of an upper respiratory

tract (nose to larynx) and a
lower respiratory tract ( trachea
onwards) .

 Conducting portion transports

– includes the nose, nasal cavity,
pharynx, larynx, trachea, and
progressively smaller airways, from
the primary bronchi to the terminal

 Respiratory portion carries out
gas exchange.

– composed of small airways called
Vander’s Human Physiology 15th ed., respiratory bronchioles and

alveolar ducts as well as air sacs
called alveoli


Vander’s Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Respiratory System Functions
1. supplies the body with oxygen and

disposes of carbon dioxide
2. filters inspired air
3. produces sound
4. contains receptors for smell
5. rids the body of some excess water and

6. helps regulate blood pH




 Breathing (pulmonary ventilation).
consists of two cyclic phases:

 inhalation, also called inspiration – draws
gases into the lungs.

 exhalation, also called expiration – forces
gases out of the lungs.


The Respiratory Tract

 Consists of a conducting zone:
◦ from nasal cavity to terminal bronchioles

 Consists of a respiratory zone:
◦ from respiratory bronchioles to alveoli

Alveoli:- These are air-filled pockets within
the lungs

◦ where all gas exchange takes place



Conducting zone and respiratory Zone

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Conducting zone and respiratory Zone

Vander’s Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Conducting zone
 Conduction zone extends from the top of the

trachea to the beginning of the respiratory

◦ Consists of nasal cavity to terminal bronchioles.

◦ This zone contains no alveoli and has exchange with
the blood.

 The airways beyond the larynx can be divided into two
zones. The conducting zone extends from the top of the
trachea to the end of the terminal bronchioles.

 This zone contains no alveoli and does not exchange gases
with the blood.




Respiratory zone
 It extends from the bronchioles down.

 The respiratory zone is where gas is

◦ Consists of alveoli, alveolar sacs, alveolar
ducts and respiratory bronchioles



Respiratory Zone


The Respiratory Epithelium

 For gases to exchange efficiently:

◦ alveoli walls must be very thin (< 1 µm)

◦ surface area must be very large (about 35 times
the surface area of the body)


 Alveolar Epithelium

 Is a very delicate, simple squamous epithelium

 Contains scattered and specialized cells

 Lines exchange surfaces of alveoli




Respiratory epithelium

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Respiratory mucosa

 A layer of pseudostratified ciliated
columnar epithelial cells that
secrete mucus

 Found in nose, sinuses, pharynx,
larynx and trachea

 Only present in conduction zone
 Mucus can trap contaminants

◦ Cilia move mucus up towards mouth


Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Upper Respiratory Tract

 Composed of the nose and nasal
cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx
(throat), larynx.

 All are part of the conducting portion
of the respiratory system.

 This passage filter, warm and humidify
incoming air


Lower Respiratory Tract

 Conducting airways (trachea, bronchi,
up to terminal bronchioles).

 Respiratory portion of the respiratory
system (respiratory bronchioles,
alveolar ducts, and alveoli).


lower respiratory tract

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


 A flexible tube also called windpipe.
 Extends through the mediastinum and lies anterior

to the esophagus and inferior to the larynx.
 Anterior and lateral walls of the trachea supported

by 15 to 20 C-shaped tracheal cartilages.
 Cartilage rings reinforce and provide rigidity to the

tracheal wall to ensure that the trachea remains
open at all times

 Posterior part of tube lined by trachealis muscle
 Lined by ciliated pseudostratified columnar



 At the level of the sternal angle, the trachea

bifurcates into two smaller tubes, called the
right and left primary bronchi.

 Each primary bronchus projects laterally
toward each lung.

 The most inferior tracheal cartilage
separates the primary bronchi at their origin
and forms an internal ridge called the


Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Bronchial tree

 A highly branched system of air-conducting passages
that originate from the left and right primary bronchi.

 Progressively branch into narrower tubes as they
diverge throughout the lungs before terminating in
terminal bronchioles.

 Incomplete rings of hyaline cartilage support
the walls of the primary bronchi to ensure that they
remain open.

 Right primary bronchus is shorter, wider, and more
vertically oriented than the left primary bronchus.

 Foreign particles are more likely to lodge in the right
primary bronchus.


Bronchial tree
 The primary bronchi enter the hilus of each lung

together with the pulmonary vessels, lymphatic
vessels, and nerves.

 Each primary bronchus branches into several
secondary bronchi (or lobar bronchi).

 The left lung has two secondary bronchi.The right
lung has three secondary bronchi.

 They further divide into tertiary bronchi.
 Each tertiary bronchus is called a segmental

bronchus because it supplies a part of the lung
called a bronchopulmonary segment.


Bronchial Tree
 Secondary bronchi tertiary bronchi

bronchioles terminal bronchioles
 with successive branching amount of cartilage decreases

and amount of smooth muscle increases, this allows for
variation in airway diameter

 during exertion and when sympathetic division active 

 mediators of allergic reactions like histamine 

 epithelium gradually changes from ciliated
pseudostratified columnar epithelium to simple
cuboidal epithelium in terminal bronchioles


Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


A scanning electron micrograph of
lung tissue

(a) A small bronchiole passes
between many alveoli.

(b) The alveoli are seen under
higher power, with an arrow
indicating an alveolar pore
through which air can pass
from one alveolus to another.

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Alveolar organization

 Respiratory bronchioles are connected to
alveoli along alveolar ducts

 Alveolar ducts end at alveolar sacs:

◦ common chambers connected to many
individual alveoli



Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar
Ducts, and Alveoli
 Lungs contain small saccular outpocketings

called alveoli.
 They have a thin wall specialized to promote

diffusion of gases between the alveolus and the
blood in the pulmonary capillaries.

 Gas exchange can take place in the respiratory
bronchioles and alveolar ducts as well as in
the alveoli, each lung contains approximately
300 to 400 million alveoli.

 The spongy nature of the lung is due to the
packing of millions of alveoli together.


Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Respiratory Membrane

 squamous cells of alveoli .

 basement membrane of alveoli.

 basement membrane of capillaries

 simple squamous cells of capillaries

 about .5 μ in thickness


Cells in Alveolus

Type I cells : simple squamous cells forming

 Type II cells : or septal cells secrete surfactant
and contains septal cells (Type II cells) that
produce Surfactant- an oily secretion which

 1) Contains phospholipids and proteins
 2) Coats alveolar surfaces and reduces surface

 Alveolar macrophages.




Gross Anatomy of the Lungs
 Each lung has a conical shape. Its wide, concave

base rests upon the muscular diaphragm.
 Its superior region called the apex projects

superiorly to a point that is slightly superior and
posterior to the clavicle.

 Both lungs are bordered by the thoracic wall
anteriorly, laterally, and posteriorly, and supported
by the rib cage.

 Toward the midline, the lungs are separated from
each other by the mediastinum.

 The relatively broad, rounded surface in contact
with the thoracic wall is called the costal surface
of the lung.



Left lung
 divided into 2 lobes by oblique fissure
 smaller than the right lung
 cardiac notch accommodates the heart
 divided into 3 lobes by oblique and horizontal

 located more superiorly in the body due to liver

on right side


Pleura and Pleural Cavities

 The outer surface of each lung and the
adjacent internal thoracic wall are lined by a
serous membrane called pleura.

 The outer surface of each lung is tightly
covered by the visceral pleura.

 while the internal thoracic walls, the lateral
surfaces of the mediastinum, and the
superior surface of the diaphragm are lined
by the parietal pleura.

 The parietal and visceral pleural layers are
continuous at the hilus of each lung.


Pleural Cavities
The potential space between the serous

membrane layers is a pleural cavity.
 The pleural membranes produce a thin,

serous pleural fluid that circulates in the
pleural cavity and acts as a lubricant,
ensuring minimal friction during breathing.

 Pleural effusion – pleuritis with too much


Blood supply of Lungs
 pulmonary circulation –
 bronchial circulation – bronchial arteries

supply oxygenated blood to lungs, bronchial
veins carry away deoxygenated blood from lung
tissue  superior vena cava

 Response of two systems to hypoxia –
pulmonary vessels undergo vasoconstriction
bronchial vessels like all other systemic vessels

undergo vasodilation


Cells of the respiratory membrane
 Septal cells

◦ Scattered in respiratory membrane

◦ Septal cells produce surfactant
 Surfacant prevents the alveoli from colapsing

 Alveolar Macrophage
◦ Macrophages patrol epithelium and engulf

foreign particles


Respiratory events

 Pulmonary ventilation = exchange of
gases between lungs and atmosphere

 External respiration = exchange of gases
between alveoli and pulmonary capillaries

 Internal respiration = exchange of gases
between systemic capillaries and tissue


Muscles that ASSIST with
 The scalenes help increase thoracic cavity

dimensions by elevating the first and second ribs
during forced inhalation.

 The ribs elevate upon contraction of the external
intercostals, thereby increasing the transverse
dimensions of the thoracic cavity during inhalation.

 Contraction of the internal intercostals
depresses the ribs, but this only occurs during
forced exhalation.

 Normal exhalation requires no active muscular



Muscles of respiration

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Muscles that ASSIST with
 Other accessory muscles assist with

respiratory activities.
 The pectoralis minor, serratus anterior,

and sternocleidomastoid help with
forced inhalation,

 while the abdominal muscles(external
and internal obliques, transversus
abdominis, and rectus abdominis)
assist in active exhalation.


1. Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed., Mcgraw hill

international publications, (new york) ISBN 978-1259864629.

2. Widmaier, E.P., Raff, H. And strang, K.T. (2019) vander’s human

physiology 15th ed., Mcgraw hill international publications (new

york), ISBN: 978-1259903885

B.Sc. (H) Biochemistry
IInd Year, IVth Sem
Human Physiology
Respiratory System

Organization of the pulmonary system
Lecture-1 & 2

Dr. Prabha Arya


Respiratory System
 Consists of an upper respiratory

tract (nose to larynx) and a
lower respiratory tract ( trachea
onwards) .

 Conducting portion transports

– includes the nose, nasal cavity,
pharynx, larynx, trachea, and
progressively smaller airways, from
the primary bronchi to the terminal

 Respiratory portion carries out
gas exchange.

– composed of small airways called
Vander’s Human Physiology 15th ed., respiratory bronchioles and

alveolar ducts as well as air sacs
called alveoli


Vander’s Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Respiratory System Functions
1. supplies the body with oxygen and

disposes of carbon dioxide
2. filters inspired air
3. produces sound
4. contains receptors for smell
5. rids the body of some excess water and

6. helps regulate blood pH




 Breathing (pulmonary ventilation).
consists of two cyclic phases:

 inhalation, also called inspiration – draws
gases into the lungs.

 exhalation, also called expiration – forces
gases out of the lungs.


The Respiratory Tract

 Consists of a conducting zone:
◦ from nasal cavity to terminal bronchioles

 Consists of a respiratory zone:
◦ from respiratory bronchioles to alveoli

Alveoli:- These are air-filled pockets within
the lungs

◦ where all gas exchange takes place



Conducting zone and respiratory Zone

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Conducting zone and respiratory Zone

Vander’s Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Conducting zone
 Conduction zone extends from the top of the

trachea to the beginning of the respiratory

◦ Consists of nasal cavity to terminal bronchioles.

◦ This zone contains no alveoli and has exchange with
the blood.

 The airways beyond the larynx can be divided into two
zones. The conducting zone extends from the top of the
trachea to the end of the terminal bronchioles.

 This zone contains no alveoli and does not exchange gases
with the blood.




Respiratory zone
 It extends from the bronchioles down.

 The respiratory zone is where gas is

◦ Consists of alveoli, alveolar sacs, alveolar
ducts and respiratory bronchioles



Respiratory Zone


The Respiratory Epithelium

 For gases to exchange efficiently:

◦ alveoli walls must be very thin (< 1 µm)

◦ surface area must be very large (about 35 times
the surface area of the body)


 Alveolar Epithelium

 Is a very delicate, simple squamous epithelium

 Contains scattered and specialized cells

 Lines exchange surfaces of alveoli




Respiratory epithelium

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Respiratory mucosa

 A layer of pseudostratified ciliated
columnar epithelial cells that
secrete mucus

 Found in nose, sinuses, pharynx,
larynx and trachea

 Only present in conduction zone
 Mucus can trap contaminants

◦ Cilia move mucus up towards mouth


Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Upper Respiratory Tract

 Composed of the nose and nasal
cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx
(throat), larynx.

 All are part of the conducting portion
of the respiratory system.

 This passage filter, warm and humidify
incoming air


Lower Respiratory Tract

 Conducting airways (trachea, bronchi,
up to terminal bronchioles).

 Respiratory portion of the respiratory
system (respiratory bronchioles,
alveolar ducts, and alveoli).


lower respiratory tract

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


 A flexible tube also called windpipe.
 Extends through the mediastinum and lies anterior

to the esophagus and inferior to the larynx.
 Anterior and lateral walls of the trachea supported

by 15 to 20 C-shaped tracheal cartilages.
 Cartilage rings reinforce and provide rigidity to the

tracheal wall to ensure that the trachea remains
open at all times

 Posterior part of tube lined by trachealis muscle
 Lined by ciliated pseudostratified columnar



 At the level of the sternal angle, the trachea

bifurcates into two smaller tubes, called the
right and left primary bronchi.

 Each primary bronchus projects laterally
toward each lung.

 The most inferior tracheal cartilage
separates the primary bronchi at their origin
and forms an internal ridge called the


Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Bronchial tree

 A highly branched system of air-conducting passages
that originate from the left and right primary bronchi.

 Progressively branch into narrower tubes as they
diverge throughout the lungs before terminating in
terminal bronchioles.

 Incomplete rings of hyaline cartilage support
the walls of the primary bronchi to ensure that they
remain open.

 Right primary bronchus is shorter, wider, and more
vertically oriented than the left primary bronchus.

 Foreign particles are more likely to lodge in the right
primary bronchus.


Bronchial tree
 The primary bronchi enter the hilus of each lung

together with the pulmonary vessels, lymphatic
vessels, and nerves.

 Each primary bronchus branches into several
secondary bronchi (or lobar bronchi).

 The left lung has two secondary bronchi.The right
lung has three secondary bronchi.

 They further divide into tertiary bronchi.
 Each tertiary bronchus is called a segmental

bronchus because it supplies a part of the lung
called a bronchopulmonary segment.


Bronchial Tree
 Secondary bronchi tertiary bronchi

bronchioles terminal bronchioles
 with successive branching amount of cartilage decreases

and amount of smooth muscle increases, this allows for
variation in airway diameter

 during exertion and when sympathetic division active 

 mediators of allergic reactions like histamine 

 epithelium gradually changes from ciliated
pseudostratified columnar epithelium to simple
cuboidal epithelium in terminal bronchioles


Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


A scanning electron micrograph of
lung tissue

(a) A small bronchiole passes
between many alveoli.

(b) The alveoli are seen under
higher power, with an arrow
indicating an alveolar pore
through which air can pass
from one alveolus to another.

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Alveolar organization

 Respiratory bronchioles are connected to
alveoli along alveolar ducts

 Alveolar ducts end at alveolar sacs:

◦ common chambers connected to many
individual alveoli



Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar
Ducts, and Alveoli
 Lungs contain small saccular outpocketings

called alveoli.
 They have a thin wall specialized to promote

diffusion of gases between the alveolus and the
blood in the pulmonary capillaries.

 Gas exchange can take place in the respiratory
bronchioles and alveolar ducts as well as in
the alveoli, each lung contains approximately
300 to 400 million alveoli.

 The spongy nature of the lung is due to the
packing of millions of alveoli together.


Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Respiratory Membrane

 squamous cells of alveoli .

 basement membrane of alveoli.

 basement membrane of capillaries

 simple squamous cells of capillaries

 about .5 μ in thickness


Cells in Alveolus

Type I cells : simple squamous cells forming

 Type II cells : or septal cells secrete surfactant
and contains septal cells (Type II cells) that
produce Surfactant- an oily secretion which

 1) Contains phospholipids and proteins
 2) Coats alveolar surfaces and reduces surface

 Alveolar macrophages.




Gross Anatomy of the Lungs
 Each lung has a conical shape. Its wide, concave

base rests upon the muscular diaphragm.
 Its superior region called the apex projects

superiorly to a point that is slightly superior and
posterior to the clavicle.

 Both lungs are bordered by the thoracic wall
anteriorly, laterally, and posteriorly, and supported
by the rib cage.

 Toward the midline, the lungs are separated from
each other by the mediastinum.

 The relatively broad, rounded surface in contact
with the thoracic wall is called the costal surface
of the lung.



Left lung
 divided into 2 lobes by oblique fissure
 smaller than the right lung
 cardiac notch accommodates the heart
 divided into 3 lobes by oblique and horizontal

 located more superiorly in the body due to liver

on right side


Pleura and Pleural Cavities

 The outer surface of each lung and the
adjacent internal thoracic wall are lined by a
serous membrane called pleura.

 The outer surface of each lung is tightly
covered by the visceral pleura.

 while the internal thoracic walls, the lateral
surfaces of the mediastinum, and the
superior surface of the diaphragm are lined
by the parietal pleura.

 The parietal and visceral pleural layers are
continuous at the hilus of each lung.


Pleural Cavities
The potential space between the serous

membrane layers is a pleural cavity.
 The pleural membranes produce a thin,

serous pleural fluid that circulates in the
pleural cavity and acts as a lubricant,
ensuring minimal friction during breathing.

 Pleural effusion – pleuritis with too much


Blood supply of Lungs
 pulmonary circulation –
 bronchial circulation – bronchial arteries

supply oxygenated blood to lungs, bronchial
veins carry away deoxygenated blood from lung
tissue  superior vena cava

 Response of two systems to hypoxia –
pulmonary vessels undergo vasoconstriction
bronchial vessels like all other systemic vessels

undergo vasodilation


Cells of the respiratory membrane
 Septal cells

◦ Scattered in respiratory membrane

◦ Septal cells produce surfactant
 Surfacant prevents the alveoli from colapsing

 Alveolar Macrophage
◦ Macrophages patrol epithelium and engulf

foreign particles


Respiratory events

 Pulmonary ventilation = exchange of
gases between lungs and atmosphere

 External respiration = exchange of gases
between alveoli and pulmonary capillaries

 Internal respiration = exchange of gases
between systemic capillaries and tissue


Muscles that ASSIST with
 The scalenes help increase thoracic cavity

dimensions by elevating the first and second ribs
during forced inhalation.

 The ribs elevate upon contraction of the external
intercostals, thereby increasing the transverse
dimensions of the thoracic cavity during inhalation.

 Contraction of the internal intercostals
depresses the ribs, but this only occurs during
forced exhalation.

 Normal exhalation requires no active muscular



Muscles of respiration

Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed.,


Muscles that ASSIST with
 Other accessory muscles assist with

respiratory activities.
 The pectoralis minor, serratus anterior,

and sternocleidomastoid help with
forced inhalation,

 while the abdominal muscles(external
and internal obliques, transversus
abdominis, and rectus abdominis)
assist in active exhalation.


1. Fox, S.I. (2018) Human Physiology 15th ed., Mcgraw hill

international publications, (new york) ISBN 978-1259864629.

2. Widmaier, E.P., Raff, H. And strang, K.T. (2019) vander’s human

physiology 15th ed., Mcgraw hill international publications (new

york), ISBN: 978-1259903885