Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Subject Code:BP504TP Date: 02/01/2023
Subject Name: Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: 10:30am to 01:30pm Total Marks: 80
1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) What is the importance of sterility indicators and give its classification with 06
examples for each type of sterilization process?
(b) Explain acid fast staining method and give examples of acid-fast bacteria. 05
(c) Summarize in a tabular form merits and demerits of each type of sterilization 05
Q.2 (a) Elaborate on applications of microbiology and its future prospects 06
(b) Enlist structures external to bacterial cell wall and discuss the general 05
composition and characteristics of bacterial cell wall.
(c) Classify organisms based on energy and oxygen requirements. 05
Q.3 (a) What are the criteria for ideal culture media? Give names of different types of 06
media and discuss differential media in detail.
(b) Which are the different ways of bacterial growth? Explain generation time and 05
write the generation time of E. coli in milk.
(c) Describe the method used for sterility testing of an injectable formulation. 05
Q.4 (a) Write a short note on IMViC test for identification of bacteria. 06
(b) How electron microscopy is different from optical microscopy? Explain. 05
(c) Enumerate different ways of quantitative estimation of bacterial growth and 05
write any one method in detail for estimation of viable count of bacteria.
Q.5 (a) Write the name of organism used for microbial assay of following substances: 06
1. Nystatin 2. Erythromycin. 3. Rifampicin.
4. Riboflavin. 5. Tryptophan 6. Vitamin B12
(b) Discuss applications of cell culture in pharmaceutical industry. 05
(c) Which are the factors affecting microbial spoilage of Pharmaceutical products? 05
Q. 6 (a) Give classification of disinfectants with examples citing mode of action for 06
each class.
(b) Briefly explain asexual reproduction method in fungi. 05
(c) List different techniques to test efficiency of a disinfectant and briefly discuss 05
any one of them.
Q.7 (a) Differentiate virus from a bacterial cell and explain the generalized structure of 06
a virus with a suitable diagram.
(b) Draw layout of an ideal aseptic area and give clean room classification. 05
(c) On what principle microbial assay is based for antibiotics and discuss method 05
A according to IP in detail.
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Subject Code:BP504TP Date: 06/06/2022
Subject Name: Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: 02:30PM TO 05:30PM Total Marks: 80
1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Give a brief account on IMViC test. 06
(b) Classify bacteria with respect to oxygen requirement, temperature, flagellar 05
arrangement by stating suitable examples.
(c) Write short notes on Bacterial Growth curve. 05
Q.2 (a) Define; Sterilization, Disinfection, D value, Z value, Inactivation factor, 06
(b) Give a brief account on Horizontal autoclave with a neat diagram. 05
(c) Write short notes on Biological indicators. 05
Q.3 (a) Explain Phenol coefficient tests. 06
(b) Write short notes on Test for sterility. 05
(c) How will you sterilize thermolabile materials? Explain the methods. 05
Q.4 (a) Give a detailed account on Laminar Flow equiment. 06
(b) State the procedure for carrying out Microbiological assay of Antibiotics. 05
(c) Write short notes on Scanning Electron Microscope. 05
Q.5 (a) Name the factors affecting Disinfection action and explain. 06
(b) Explain the possible microbial contamination in cosmetics and their limit test. 05
(c) State various methods of carrying out animal cell culture and explain. 05
Q. 6 (a) How will you isolate and preserve the pure culture? 06
(b) Draw a neat schematic diagram of sporulation cycle of bacteria. 05
(c) Classify the viruses and its method of replication. 05
Q.7 (a) Give a brief account on application of cell cultures in Pharmaceuticals. 06
(b) Write short notes on microbiological assay of Vitamin B1. 05
(c) Explain Ethylene Oxide sterilization. 05
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Subject Code:BP504TP Date: 27/12/2021
Subject Name: Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: 10:30am to 01:30pm Total Marks: 80
1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Draw a neat labeled diagram of bacterial cell. Explain flagella in detail 06
(b) Define Microbiology. Explain the scope of microbiology 05
(c) Enumerate the conditions required for the growth of microorganism. Explain a 05
typical bacterial growth curve
Q.2 (a) Classify microorganisms according to Oxygen Requirement, Temperature 06
Requirement and Nutritional Requirements.
(b) Define culture media and classify them. Explain selective and differential 05
media in detail.
(c) Classify microscopy. Describe electron microscopy in detail 05
Q.3 (a) Differentiate: (i) Gram positive and gram negative cell wall. 06
(ii) Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic organisms.
(b) Enumerate methods for the isolation of microorganisms. Discuss Streak plate 05
method in detail
(c) Define viable count & Total count. Enlist methods for viable and total count. 05
Explain coulter counter method in detail.
Q.4 (a) Give mechanism of killing MOs in given sterilization method: Ethylene oxide 06
sterilization, Pasteurization, Oil bath sterilization, UV radiation, Surface
sterilization method, Tyndallization
(b) Classify staining techniques. Discuss gram staining in detail. 05
(c) Explain: D- value, F- value, Z- value, Resolution, Numerical aperture. 05
Q.5 (a) Name the Microorganisms used for the assay of the following (Any 6): 06
Tetracycline, Amphotericin B, Penicillin, Gentamicin , Streptomycin,
Chloramphenicol, Bacitracin, Doxycycline.
(b) Enlist various evaluation tests for disinfectants. Describe the Rideal Walker test 05
for phenol in detail.
(c) Discuss cultivation of virus and fungi 05
Q. 6 (a) How do you carried out sterility test for (i) Sulphacetamide Eye drop (ii) 06
Benzyl Penicillin Injection (iii) Insoluble Powders.
(b) Discuss microbiological assay of Vitamin B12. 05
(c) Describe the construction and working of HORIZONTAL AUTOCLAVE with 05
a neat labelled diagram
Q.7 (a) Enlist types of spoilage. Discuss factors affecting microbial spoilage 06
(b) Explain different tests used for detection of microbial contamination. 05
(c) Write in detail about construction and design of clean room/aseptic room. 05
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Subject Code: BP504TP Date: 06/08/2021
Subject Name: Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: 02:30PM TO 05:30PM Total Marks: 80
1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Answer the following questions. (1 mark each) 16
I) The action of alcohol during Gram staining is__________.
II) Bacterial cultures can be preserved for short term duration by
A. Deep freezing B. Lyophilization
C. Refrigeration D. None of the above
III) The difference between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria is shown to
reside in the nucleus. (True/ False)
IV) Which scientist introduced the name ‘Bacterium’?
V) Giemsa stain is used for staining of _________.
VI) Enlist the different phases of bacterial growth curve.
VII) All endospores contain large amount of ______________, which accounts for
10-15% dry weight of spore.
A. Dipicolinic acid B. Picolinic acid
C. Techoic acid D. Techeic acid
VIII) ________ method is used for determining the phenol co-efficient of
IX) What do you mean by cryophiles type of bacteria?
X) Trepenoma pallidum causing syphilis is from __________ type of bacteria.
XI) What do you mean by ‘heat fixation’?
XII) State the name of any ‘selective media’.
XIII) During________phase of bacterial growth cycle, there may be increase in size
but no increase in cell number.
XIV) Which of the following element is a major element and main constituent of
bacterial cell?
A. Sulphur B. Magnesium
C. Carbon D. Nitrogen
XV) Define: Peritrichous bacteria.
XVI) Define: Sterilization.
Q.2 (a) Compare and contrast: Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. 06
(b) Write a note on Isolation and preservation methods for pure cultures of bacteria. 05
(c) Explain Dark field microscopy in brief and state its application. 05
Q.3 (a) Draw a labeled diagram of ultrastructure of bacteria and explain significance 0 6
of any one component.
(b) Classify the bacteria based on their nutritional requirements. 05
(c) Write a short note on clean area classification. 05
Q.4 (a) Enumerate the methods for quantitative measurement of viable count of 0 6
bacteria and explain any one method in detail.
(b) Mention any two culture media with their composition and state application of 05
each component.
(c) Mention the various sterility indicators with their applications in brief. 05
Q.5 (a) Describe the principle, procedure, merits, demerits and application of 0 6
Mechanical method of sterilization.
(b) Mention the various factors affecting the microbial spoilage of pharmaceutical 0 5
products and explain any factor in detail.
(c) Explain any two phases of bacterial growth curve with appropriate diagram. 05
Q. 6 (a) Classify the various fungi and explain in brief about its reproduction and 06
(b) State the mode of action of disinfectants with brief explanation about the 0 5
factors affecting it.
(c) Define aseptic area and mention the various sources of contamination and 0 5
preventive measures to be taken in aseptic area.
Q.7 (a) What do you mean by sterility testing? Write a short note on sterility testing 0 6
of powders.
(b) Explain the terms ‘Antiseptic’ and ‘Disinfectants’. 05
(c) Explain the various applications of cell cultures in pharmaceutical industry and 0 5
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Subject Code:BP504TP Date: 11/01/2021
Subject Name: Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: 10:30AM TO 12:30PM Total Marks: 54
1. Attempt any THREE questions from Q-1 to Q-6.
2. Q.7 is compulsory to attempt.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Define microscopy. Discuss specimen preparation for electron microscopy. 06
(b) Describe physical, chemical and biological monitors for sterilization. 05
(c) Discuss sterility testing of sulphacetamide eye drops as per IP. 05
Q.2 (a) Explain applications of animal cell culture in pharmaceutical research. 06
(b) Discuss standards for clean room classifications and its applications. 05
(c) Enlist suitable method for sterilization of following:
1. i.v sets 2. Culture media 3. Milk 4. Serum 5. Rubber closures 6. Petriplate
7. Suturing needle 8. Blanket 9. Eye ointment 10. Paraffin oil 05
Q.3 (a) Describe lytic and lysogenic cycle for virus multiplication. 06
(b) Draw a well labeled lay out of aseptic area. 05
(c) Write a note on: Bacterial endospore. 05
Q.4 (a) Classify staining techniques. Explain Gram staining in detail. 06
(b) Name organisms used to perform microbiological assay of following:
1.Tetracycline 2.Candidicin 3. Mitomycin 4.Ampicillin 5. Chloramphenicol. 05
(c) Elaborate types of spoilage in pharmaceutical formulations. 05
Q.5 (a) Classify sterilization techniques. Explain Autoclaving in detail. 06
(b) Write a note on transformed cell cultures with examples. 05
(c) Describe contribution of Louis Pasteur in Microbiology. 05
Q. 6 (a) Define total and viable counts. Discuss methods for measurement of bacterial counts.06
(b) Write a note on anaerobic growth medium. 05
(c) What is fungal dimorphism? Discuss taxonomy of fungi. 05
Q.7 (a) Explain the following terms:
1. Psychrophiles 2.Lithotrophs 3.MIC 4.iMViC 5.Virion 6.Microaerophiles 06
(a) Describe preservatives for pharmaceutical products. 06
(a) Write a note: Bacterial Flagella. 06
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Subject Code: BP504TP Date: 29-10-2020
Subject Name: Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: 2:30 PM TO 5:30 PM Total Marks: 80
1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) How is preparation of microbial specimen done for compound microscopy? 06
(b) Write a brief note on (any one) 05
i. Phase contrast Microscopy
ii. Flourescence Microscopy
iii. Electron Microscopy
(c) What are Differential stains? Write on principle and procedure citing a suitable 05
Q.2 (a) Draw a labeled diagram of a Prokaryotic cell. 06
(b) Write on (any two) 05
i. Cell wall of Gram positive and Gram negative cell
ii. Endospores
iii. Ribosomes
(c) Give differences between a Eukaryotic cell and a Prokaryotic cell. 05
Q.3 (a) Write on different Nutrient media in details. 06
(b) Give methods of Preservation of bacterial cultures. 05
(c) Explain methods of Direct measurement of microbial growth. 05
Q.4 (a) Enumerate Physical methods of microbial control and write on Autoclaving 06
with a labeled diagram..
(b) Classify Disinfectants. Enumerate their methods of evaluation. Write on 05
Ethylene oxide as chemo sterilizer.
(c) Write in brief on (any one) 05
i. Filtration sterilization
ii. Radiation sterilization
Q.5 (a) Write in defects (any one) 06
i. Viruses
ii. Classification of Fungi
(b) Give objective and Pharmacopoieal method for Sterility testing of Water for 05
(c) Write on various methods of Microbiological Assay explaining standardization 05
of an antibiotic.
Q. 6 (a) Write on : Laminar flow equipments 06
(b) Write on : Different sources of contamination 05
(c) Write on : Clean area classification 05
Q.7 (a) What are called Microbial Spoilages? Give their types. Write on factors 06
affecting spoilage of pharmaceutical products by microbes.
(b) Differentiate between a Bacteriostatic and a Bacteriocidal agent giving suitable 05
(c) Write on Biochemical tests for identification and classification of bacteria. 05
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Subject Code: BP504TP Date: 22/11/2019
Subject Name: Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: 02:30PM TO 05:30PM Total Marks: 80
1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Classify bacteria according to their physical requirement for the growth with suitable 06
(b) Differentiate following 05
i) Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria
ii) Bacteria and virus
(c) Enlist types of media for bacterial growth with suitable example. Explain selective and 05
differential media
Q.2 (a) Draw a labeled diagram of horizontal autoclave and discuss its principal, merits, 06
demerits and applications.
(b) What is differential staining technique? explain acid fast staining 05
(c) Discuss cultivation of anaerobic bacteria in detail 05
Q.3 (a) Classify the disinfectants. Enlist the factors affecting disinfection. Discuss any two 06
(b) Enumerate the methods of evaluation of disinfectant. Explain Rideal-Walkar test 05
(c) Explain various methods for the preservation of pure culture 05
Q.4 (a) Explain significance of control test, Media and Method recommended for the sterility 06
testing of Pharmaceutical product as per IP
(b) Give a detailed account on Gaseous sterilization 05
(c) Discuss sterility indicators for the validation of Sterilization methods 05
Q.5 (a) Enumerate various methods used for microbiological Assay. Discuss one level assay 06
method for microbial assay of antibiotics
(b) How do you carried out the microbiological assay of Vitamin B12 as per IP 05
(c) Explain electron microscopy with its application and limitation 05
Q. 6 (a) Enumerate technique for the quantitative measurement of bacterial growth and 06
explain any one method for viable count
(b) Write a short not on IMViC test for the identification of bacteria 05
(c) Discuss factors affecting the microbial spoilage of Pharmaceutical products 05
Q.7 (a) Explain the various sources of contamination in an aseptic area and methods of 06
(b) Give the applications of cell cultures in Pharmaceutical industry 05
(c) Explain various parameters to maximize the preservative efficacy of an antimicrobial 05