S ubject Code:2X65002 Date:03-06-2022
S ubject Name:Building Construction – VI
T ime:10:30 AM TO 01:30 PM Total Marks: 40
I nstructions:
1. Attempt Any four questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.
Q.1 Which are different types of floor systems used in high rise structures. Explain 10
them with neat sketches.
Q.2 Mention different forces acting on multi-storey building. Describe with its nature 10
and its effect on high rise structure.
Q.3 A residential building is located near ri ver. Building height is near about 100 10
meter. Propose suitable type of structural system for residential building with
suggestion and sketch.
Q.4 Choose proper HVAC system for office purpose in high rise building. How does 10
it function in high rise building.
Q.5 (a) Suggest the different latest construction technology used for constructing 05
skyscraper in modern era of India.
(b) Mention the norms of fire services used in high rise building. 05
Q.6 (a) What is PHE. Give importance of PHE in multi-storey building. 05
(b) State types of high rise structures with proper sketch & give suitable examples 05
located in India.
Q.7 Mark different component of stair & ramp in sketches. Explain where and why 10
stair & ramp are use in high rise building.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
S ubject Code:2X65003 Date:06-06-2022
S ubject Name:History of Architecture – V
T ime:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks: 50
I nstructions:
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.
Q1. Exp lain Post Modernism with relevant example. (8)
Explain in detail the Impact of Industrial revolution in the society of 20th
century in Europe and how it influences design and Architecture.
Q2. Wr ite a short note on (Any 2) (10)
1. Explain the important events that lead to birth of De-construction in
2. Explain Frank Lyold Wright’s design elements with an appropriate
building example.
3. Explain Tadao Ando and its philosophy and design elements
Q3. An swer briefly: (Any Two) (10)
1. Explain: the impact of iron and glass or concrete on Modern
2. Explain the Cubism Movement.
3. Discuss Constructivism in Architecture with examples
Q4. Dis cuss the design Philosophy and their styles of architecture with sketches (12)
(Any 3)
1. Louis Khan
2. Charles Correa
3. Steven Holl
4. B.V.Doshi
Q5. Lis t down the Architects by their respective Quotes (Any 6) (6)
1. Less is more – _______
2. Small is Beautiful – _______
3. House is a Machine to live in – ________
4. Form does not necessarily follows function – ________
5. Form follows beauty – _______
6. We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us – _______
7. _________ was known as “Father of skyscraper”.
Q6. Ske tch and explain: (any 1) (4)
1. Discuss Achyut kavinde works
2. Barcelona’s pavilion, Mies Van Der Rohe