Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
S ubject Code: 1045006 Date: 09/11/2020
Subject Name: Landscape Architecture
T ime: 10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks: 50
1. Attempt any 5 questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Draw neat sketches wherever necessary.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 What do you understand by ‘Landscape Architecture’? Explain the scope of a Landscape 08
Architect in professional practice.
Q.2 Explain with sketches, Principles of Landscape Architecture. 08
Q.3 Explain the importance, design principles, characteristics and elements of the following 08
historical gardens. (any two):
1. Persian Gardens
2. French Gardens
3. Japanese Gardens
4. English Gardens
Q. 4 (a) D escribe the use of water as an element of Landscape design. 04
(b) Explain the importance of lighting in Landscape design. 04
Q. 5 (a) Define eco-systems. Explain with relevant sketches: various types of Eco-system. 04
(b) Write a note on: Relation between Landscape design and Micro-climate. 04
Q. 6 Explain functional, aesthetical, environmental and cultural importance of landscape with 08
appropriate examples.
Q. 7 (a) E x plain the factors affecting the selection of plants. 04
(b) What is the difference between native and exotic plant species. 04