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b pharm sem 3
9 posts
B. Pharm 3rd semester Pharmaceutical organic chemistry important question unit wise available
B. Pharm 3rd semester Pharmaceutical organic chemistry important question unit wise available here, #b.pharmimportantquestionunitwise #3rd semester Pharmaceutical…
B. Pharm 3rd semester Pharmaceutical microbiology important questions topics
B. Pharm 3rd semester Pharmaceutical microbiology important questions topics, #topicwisenotes #importantquestions #b.pharmsemesternotes b. Pharm all semester notes and…
Physical Pharmaceutics-I Sem-3 B. Pharm
Handwritten notes of Unit. 1 of Physical Pharmaceutics-I. Subject in B. Pharm sem-3 Notes are According to PCI…
Unit. 1 pharmaceutical organic chemistry-II b. Pharm 3 rd sem
Handwritten notes of Unit. 1 of Pharmaceutical organic chemistry-II One of the subject in b. Pharm second year…
Unit. 1.Pharmaceutical microbiology sem 3
Handwritten notes of unit 1 of pharmaceutical microbiology Easy language According to pci syllabus Good handwriting Student are…
Physical pharmaceutics sem 3 (unit5) imp questions pdf
Buffers and isotonic solutions are two separate concepts in chemistry and biochemistry but can often be discussed together.…
Physical pharmaceutics sem 3 (unit4) imp questions pdf
A chelate compound is a type of coordination compound in which a central metal ion is bonded to…
Physical pharmaceutics sem 3 (unit2) imp questions pdf
Latent heat is the heat energy required or released during a change in the state of a substance…
Physical pharmaceutics sem 3 (unit1) imp questions pdf
Solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in a particular solvent to form a homogenous…