WHO guidelines »Haemolytic activity »Swelling index PDF / PPT

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WHO guidelines

»Haemolytic activity

»Swelling index

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WHO guidelines for the standardization of crude drugs and extracts

» Haemolytic activity

» Swelling index

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• At the end of this lecture, student will be able to

Discuss the principle and procedure involved in the determination


» Haemolytic activity

» Swelling index

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Determination of Haemolytic Activity

❖ Caryophyllaceae, Araliaceae, Sapindaceae, Primulaceae, and

Dioscoreaceae – contain Saponins

❖ Saponins – ability to cause haemolysis

❖ Comparison with that of a reference material, saponin R, which has a

haemolytic activity of 1000 units per g

❖ Suspension of erythrocytes + equal volumes of a serial dilution of the

herbal material extract

❖ Lowest concentration to effect complete haemolysis is determined

❖ Similar test is carried out simultaneously with Saponin R


Determination of Haemolytic Activity


Erythrocyte suspension

❖ Fill a glass-stoppered flask to one tenth of its volume with sodium

citrate (36.5 g/l) TS, swirling to ensure sufficient volume of blood

freshly from a healthy ox, shake

❖ Citrated blood- can be stored for about 8 days at 2−4 °C

❖ 1 ml of citrated blood in a 50-ml volumetric flask with phosphate buffer

pH 7.4 TS – diluted blood suspension (2% solution)


Determination of Haemolytic Activity


Reference solution

10 mg of Saponin R add phosphate buffer pH 7.4 TS to make 100 ml

Preliminary test

Serial dilution – herbal material extract with phosphate buffer pH 7.4 TS

and blood suspension (2%) using four test-tubes


Determination of Haemolytic Activity


✓ Gently invert – mix

✓ Shake again after a 30-minute interval

✓ Allow to stand for six hours at room temperature

❖ Examine the tubes

❖ Record the dilution at which total haemolysis has occurred

➢ Total heamolysis – clear, red solution without

any deposit of erythrocytes


Determination of Haemolytic Activity
If total haemolysis

➢ only in tube 4: original herbal material extract directly for the main test

➢ In tubes 3 and 4: two-fold dilution of the original herbal material


➢ In tubes 2, 3 and 4: five-fold dilution of the original herbal material


➢ In all four tubes: ten-fold dilution and carry out the preliminary test


➢ Not observed in any of the tubes: Repeat the preliminary test using a

more concentrated herbal material extract


Determination of Haemolytic Activity

Main test

❖ Prepare a serial dilution – undiluted or diluted herbal extracts

❖ Blood suspension (2%) using 13 test-tubes

❖ Observe the results after 24 hours


Determination of Haemolytic Activity


✓ Amount of herbal material in g or ml that produces total haemolysis

✓ Quantity of saponin R in g that produces total haemolysis

Calculation of haemolytic activity of the herbal material

1000 = the defined haemolytic activity of saponin R in relation to ox blood

a = quantity of saponin R that produces total haemolysis (g)

b = quantity of herbal material that produces total haemolysis (g)


Determination of Swelling Index
✓ Swelling properties

Especially gums, appreciable amount of mucilage, pectin or


✓ Swelling index

Volume in ml taken up by the swelling of 1 g of herbal material

under specified conditions


Determination of Swelling Index
✓ Atleast three simultaneously determinations

Accurately weighed sample

25-ml glass-stoppered measuring cylinder

(Internal diameter around 16 mm, length of graduated portion about 125 mm
marked in 0.2- ml divisions from 0 to 25 ml)

Add 25 ml of water, Shake thoroughly every 10 minutes for 1 hour

Allow to stand for 3 hours at room temperature

Measure the volume in ml occupied by the material, including any sticky mucilage

Calculate the mean value



✓ Saponins – ability to cause haemolysis, Lowest concentration to

effect complete haemolysis is determined, Similar test is carried out

simultaneously with Saponin R

✓ Swelling index – Volume in ml taken up by the swelling of 1 g of

herbal material under specified conditions


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