B architecture all subjects sem 1 winter 2019 GTU paper pdf



                   BA – SEMESTER– I EXAMINATION – WINTER 2019
S ubject Code: 2X15002                                                                     Date:31/12/2019 

S ubject Name: T.R.D.-I

T ime:10:30 AM TO 01:30 PM                                                      Total Marks: 40
I nstructions:

 1. Attempt all questions. 

 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 


Q.1 What are Auxiliary views? Why is it requiring?  10
 Discuss different types of Auxiliary planes.

Q.2 Draw orthographic projection (plan and elevation and side elevation) 10
of a rectangular plane of a size 4cm x 6cm, kept in such a way that the
4 cm side is making an angle of 30 with the H.P (horizontal plane).


Q.2 Draw projection of a circular plane radius 3 cm is perpendicular to 10
V.P. and H.P. both. It is 2 cm away from V.P. and 1 cm above H.P.
Draw its plan, Elevation and side elevation

Q.3 Draw projections of a cone, base 5 cm diameter and axis 7.5 cm long, 10
lying on a generator on the ground with the top view of the axis
making an angle of 45 with V.P.         


Q.3 A pentagonal prism is resting on one of the corners of the base on the 10
H.P. The longer edge containing that corner is inclined at 45 to the
H.P. The axis of the prism makes an angle of 30 to the V.P. Draw the

Q.4 A 600 set-square of 125 mm longest side is so kept that the longest 10
side is in the H.P. making an angle of 30 with the V.P. and the set
square is self inclined at 45 to the H.P. Draw the projections of the set


Q.4 A thin square plate with 60 mm side stands on one of its corners in 10
H.P. and the opposite corner is raised so that one of its diagonals is
twice that of others. If, one of the diagonals is parallel to both the
planes, draw its projection and determine an inclination of the plane of
the plate with H.P.         



Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________

                   BA – SEMESTER– I EXAMINATION – WINTER 2019
S ubject Code:2X15003                                                                     Date:02/01/2020 

S ubject Name: Building Construction-I

T ime:10:30 AM TO 01:30 PM                                                      Total Marks: 40

1. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 


Q.1 (a) Explain Wood as building construction material in detail. 05

 (b) Sketch and explain any three lengthening and widening joints for 03
wooden member.

 (c) Write short note on ‘defects in wood’. 02


Q.1 (a) Explain various Mud Construction Techniques with sketches. 05

 (b) Explain various parts of Soil used for Mud Construction. 03

 (c) Enumerate advantages and disadvantage of mud construction. 02

Q.2 (a) Sketch & Write short note on various Building Components of a frame 05

 (b) Explain any three Building Construction Materials with reference to 03
their property.

 (c) Define various types of Soil. 02


Q.2 (a) Elaborate Brick Making Process. 05

 (b) Explain various tests for Brick. 03

 (c) Explain the Quality of a Good Brick. 02

Q.3 (a) Sketch to 1:20 scale a full wall section of a One and a half Brick Thick 10
Wall. Consider height of the room 3Mt. Identify the building structure

 (b) Sketch, Plan & Elevation of a One Brick Thick wall in English or 05
Flemish bond. Identify brick types by its shape.

 (c) Sketch various brick shapes and their terminology. 05


Q.3 (a) Sketch to 1:10 scale a wall section of a stone masonry wall. Identify 10
various components of construction. Provide necessary specifications
and dimensions to support the sketch.

 (b) Sketch Types of Stone Masonry wall and identify various parts.  05

 (c) Explain classification of Stones. 05



Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________

                   BA – SEMESTER– I EXAMINATION – WINTER 2019
S ubject Code: 2X15005                                                                     Date:08/01/2020 

S ubject Name: Humanities-I

T ime: 10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM                                                      Total Marks: 50
I nstructions:
 1. Attempt all questions. 

 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 

Q.1  Trace the beginnings of the creation of the Universe and our Solar

 System.   05
Q.2  (a) Traces of Early Man can be found on different Continents that are
  separated by vast expanses of Oceans.   05
    What are the phenomena that can explain this?  
  (b) How did life form on earth?  
Q.3    Explain the following terminology (Any five) 10
    1.Era                         4. Civilization  
    2.Age/s                    5. Culture  
     3. Dynasty               6.Rituals  
Q.4 What effect did the discovery of tools have on Early Man’s nomadic way

 of life? 10

Trace the evolution of Man from being early Cave Dwellers till they

became Farming Communities.  
Q.5 Ancient civilizations developed within the protected precincts of city
   walls and fortifications. According to you, how did the human mind
 perceive these barriers and separations?                                 10

What are the most unique characteristics that differentiate Man and place

him on a higher level than  all other living creatures?  
Q.6   What is your understanding of the Human Energy Structure? 10



Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________

                   BA – SEMESTER– I EXAMINATION – WINTER 2019
S ubject Code:2X15006                                                                     Date:06/01/2020 

S ubject Name: Architectural Communication Skills-I

T ime:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM                                                      Total Marks: 50

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2. Attempt any four questions from Q.2 to Q.7
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks


Q.1 (a) Explain non verbal communication briefly. 05

 (b) Fill in the blanks with the help of those given in the bracket. 05

 1. Dr. Yadav _____ (has) our principal since 2009.      
2. By 2030, India _____ (become) a superpower.             
3. The patient _____ (die) before the doctor came.
4. Why didn’t you _____ (inform) him yesterday?  
5. Run, the robbers _____ (come).  

Q.2 (a) Change the voice.  05
1. Close the door. 
2. Who broke your glass?
3. He ate an apple yesterday. 
4. You are requested to pay the fees.
5. She can be given the first prize.

 (b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition from the bracket. 05
(for, against, from, on, at)

1. He is good _____ English.
2. The book is _____ the table. 
3. She has been speaking _____ the last two hours.
4. He lodged complaint _____ him. 
5. The noise from downstairs prevented me _____ sleeping.

Q.3 (a)  You have to participate in an Elocution Competition on “Can India 05

 become a superpower by 2030.” Write script of your speech.

 (b) Complete the following conditional sentences with the help of those 05
given in the bracket.

1. If I _____ (select), I shall try my level best to perform well.
2. Unless she _____ (work) hard, she won’t get good marks.
3. If I had money, I _____ (buy) a new car.
4. He will not be allowed to sit in the class if he _____        (pay)

the fees.
5. If you ______ (respect) others, you will be respected.


Q.4 (a) Do as directed. 05
1. He went to market. (Make it interrogative.)   
2. He has just got his gate pass. (Make it simple future tense.)                                
3. They are watching a movie now.  
                             (Make it present perfect continuous tense.) 
4. I observe fast every day. (Make it simple past tense.) 


5. He taught us Yoga yesterday. (Make it future cont. tense.)  


 (b) State whether following statements are True or False. 05
1. Site: The geographic location of a construction project, 

usually defined by legal boundaries. 
2. Roof:  The external upper covering of a building, including

the frame for supporting the roofing.
3. Void: An empty space contained within or bounded by mass.
4. Area: A quantitative measure of a plane or curved surface.
5. Composition: The front of a building or any of its sides

facing a public way or space, esp. one distinguished by its
architectural treatment.


Q.5 (a) Turn the following sentences into indirect speech.  05
1.  She said to me, “Kindly handover this book to him.”
2.  He said to me, “What are you doing?”
3.  They said to us, “The last date to fill the form is 08/04/19.”
4.  The teacher said to him, “Do not read so fast.”
5.  We said to them, “Have you taken dinner?”

 (b) Write a short note on tips to improve speaking skills.  05

Q.6 (a) Complete the following sentences by filling in a/an/the whichever 05
is suitable.
      1. Honesty is ___ best policy.
      2. ___ stitch in time saves nine.
      3. I need to work for ___ hour before we go to dinner.
      4. She gave him ___ gift. ___ gift was very expensive.
      5. Mr. Vijay Rupani is ___ Chief Minister of Gujarat.

 (b) Define the following terms.(Any Five) 05
1. Masonry           2. Pillar                 3. Vestibule
4.   Façade              5. Ambience         6. Step

Q.7 (a) Do as directed.  05
1. He worked hard. He could not clear the exam.(Use though)
2. You are late. You will not be allowed. (Use hence)
3. She may come. He may come.(Use either…or)
4. We were tired. We could not walk much. (Use therefore)
5. He is healthy. He avoids alcohol/tobacco. (Use because)  

 (b) Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks. 05

1. Dal & Rice ____ my favourite dish. (is/are) 
2. Water of these rivers ____ clean. (are/is) 
3. Pranit is one of the most talented ____ in our family.  

4. ____ you please help me? (Could/will) 
5. The opposite of smile is ____ .(frown/cry) 

