Subject Code: 2X25002 Date:01/07/2019
Subject Name: T.R.D.-II
Time: 10:30 AM TO 01:30 PM Total Marks:40
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
1. Figures to the right indicate full marks..
Q.1 Draw sciography of the object. 10
All dimensions are in cms.
Q.1 Draw Plan, elevation and side elevation of the steps with step guard on one 10
side(left hand side) show shadows of them on ground, on wall and also on
steps(the ground is H.P. and plinth wall is V.P.)
The total width of steps, excluding step guard s 250 cm
the height of step guard and plinth level is 140 cm
Riser is 20 cm and tread is 30 cms
Use scale 1:20
Q.2 Draw one point perspective of a master bedroom of size 4.5X 4 mt in size 10
showing appropriate furniture.
Use 1:50 scale
Consider bedroom height: 3.00 mt
Station point in front of room and 7 mt away from front wall
HL is 1.5 mt from GL
Q.3 Attempt Any two out of three 20
i) A cylinder 6.5 cm diameter and 9 cm long, has its axis parallel to the
horizontal plane and inclined at 30 to the vertical plane. It is cut by a
vertical plane from its centre of the axis. Draw sectional front view and
sectional side view. Draw surface development of the final object.
ii) A cube of 5 cm long edges is resting on the H.P. with a vertical face
inclined at 30 to the V.P. It is cut by a section plane, perpendicular to the
V.P. inclined at 30 to the H.P. and passing through a point on the axis, 3.5
cm above the H.P. Draw the sectional top view, sectional side view and
true shape of section.
iii) A Pentagonal prism, side of base 5 cm and length 10 cm has a
rectangular face on the horizontal plane and the axis parallel to vertical
plane. It is cut by a vertical sectional plane and makes an angle of 30 with
horizontal plane. Draw sectional front view, top view and true shape of
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code: 2X25003 Date: 31/05/2019
Subject Name: Building Construction-II
Time: 10:30 AM TO 01:30 PM Total Marks: 40
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1 a) What are the advantages of using an arch and how does an arch transfer load that is
acting on it? (02 marks)
b) Sketch a semi-circular arch having span of 2 meters, in a one and a half brick thick
wall. Label all the parts clearly. (06 marks)
Q2 a) What is the purpose of a weather shed and in what materials can a weather shed be
constructed? (04 marks)
b) What are the different applications of steel in a building? (04 marks)
Q3 a) What is the function of a door? (02 marks)
b) What are the different types of hardware used in a door? (02 marks)
c) Sketch a suitable door for a 900 mm wide opening with a height of 2100 mm.
Draw plan, elevation and section with any one joinery detail in larger scale.
(04 marks)
Q4 a) What are the different components of a staircase and what is the function of each
part? (04 marks)
b) Draw to any suitable scale a staircase of 3 meters height in any material of your
choice. Draw plan and longitudinal section through the staircase.
(04 marks)
Q5 a) What are the important factors to be kept in mind in the design of a Foundation?
(04 marks)
b) What kind of foundation would you recommend for basement construction? Explain
with sketches. (04 marks)
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code: 2X25004 Date:03/06/2019
Subject Name: Structure-I
Time: 10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks:50
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four out of remaining six questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Differentiate between Load bearing and Frame structure buildings 05
(b) List out various structural members in building and explain following 05
with neat sketch: 1) Foundation 2) Beam 3) Column 4) slab
Q.2 (a) Explain the Lami’s Theorem. 05
(b) Give the importance of structure design in Architecture. 05
Q.3 Two tensile forces of 40 KN & 60 KN is acting at a point with an angle of 10
60° between them. Find the magnitude & direction of resultant force using
law of triangle.
Q.4 (a) Define force system. Explain various types of forces in a force system. 05
(b) State and explain law of Parallelogram of forces. 05
Q.5 A simply supported beam AB is having a span of 6 m carrying one point 10
load of 40 KN acting at a distance of 3 meter from the left end A and UDL
of 25 KN/m intensity over the entire span. Find the support reactions
Q.6 (a) Explain Types of beam and types of supports with neat sketches 05
(b) Define : (i) Moment and Couple (ii) Equilibrium condition 05
Q.7 A simply supported beam AB of span 10 m is subjected to two point loads 10
of 20 KN & 40 KN acting at 3 m from each support. Find the
reactions at the support.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code:2X25005 Date:06/06/2019
Subject Name: History of Architecture – I
Time:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks:50
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (A) Compare the Indus valley Civilization and Egypt respect to their Geography, 10
Social classes, Socio-Cultural aspects, Art &Architecture and silent features.
Q.2 (A) Sketch the Following (Any 2) 06
I. Any two Paleothic period
II. Any two NeoPaleothic period
III. One Indian Motif
IV. Explain and Sketch: Ziggurat of Ur.
Q.2 (B) Explain the Following (Any 3) 0 6
1. Discuss CatalHuyuk Settlement
2. Early Settlements-Seedbeds of Civilization
3. Chinese Houses
4. Names of Structural elements from plinth to roof in Doric order
5. Rose Window
Q.3 (A) write a short note on: (Any 2) 0 6
1. Early Christian Art & Architecture
2. Silk Route
3. Scale ,Idioms
4. Chinese temple of Heven
Q.3 (B) Answer the following in a word or sentences: (Any 5) 05
(1) How many column order there in Roman civilization?
(2) Greek developed the political system of ________________.
(3) Great Bath
(4) Street were ___________ in CatalHoyok.
True or false :
(5) Pythagoras was Greek philosopher.
(6) Arch is an element of Arculated construction technique.
Q.4 (A) Explain with Sketches innovations in Roofing system from Roman to Gothic 05
Q.4 (A) Describe the decorative elemants ornamentation of mesophotamia period. 05
Q.5 (A) Discuss the Architecture of HaggiaShopia with Illustration 05
Q.5 (A) What is Agora and Forum? Discuss Its role in their Respective Civilization. 05
Q.5 (B) (1) Discuss the Script Used by The Mesopotamians 04
(2) Explain & sketch hanging Gardens And Its Origin. 03
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code:2X25006 Date:10/06/2019
Subject Name: Architectural Communication Skills-II
Time:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks:50
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q-1 Write Precise writing about the given Paragraph with suitable heading. 10
Men and women are of equal rank but they are not identical. They are be
peerless pair being supplementary to one another, each helps the other so that
without one the existence of the other cannot be conceived and, therefore it
follows as a necessary corollary from these facts that anything that will impair
the status of either of them will involve the equal ruin of them both. In
framing any scheme of women’s education this cardinal truth must be
constantly kept in mind. Man is supreme in the outward activities of a married
air and therefore it is in the fitness of things that he should have a greater
greater knowledge thereof. On the other hand, noise life is entirely the sphere
of woman and, therefore in domestic affairs, in the upbringing and education
of children, woman ought to have more knowledge Not that knowledge should
be divided into water tight compartment’s or that so that some branches of
knowledge should be closed to anyone, but unless courses of instruction are
based on discriminating appreciation of these basic principles, the fullest life
of man and woman cannot be developed. Among the manifold misfortunes
that may befall humanity, the loss of health is one of the severest. All the joys
which life can give cannot outweigh the sufferings of the sick. Among the
manifold misfortunes that may befall humanity, the loss of health is one of the
severest. All the joys which life can give cannot outweigh the sufferings of the
Q-2 Write an application for the post of an architecture designer, the company in 10
which you would like to work.
Q.3 If you are looking for employees and you are conducting interview. What are
the skills that you think should be in a candidate. Discuss interview skills. 15
Q-4 What is a group discussion? Discuss on topic and through that topic explain 15
the process of group.