Gluality Conbval
QpDAtion- What 0n ?
0t is the munsuwtmct od
s dhe mold dogL to uhtha
Sotii prou
Dumy Syustbnatic pmocus wd to ensuwa quality n
C) Hetocos o. identilying dehris
d) Jt is a Casonlc tive doal
Ansoen ‘-[b) Any Sustomatie oCAu utol do the
enswuq unlity ún proc
Qution-2 What does OA and. 9c Stond ose7
a) unlity Wssuwoncd ond. &uuluing Contbiol
6) Sunlity Adjushnbt Dndl Gunlity ‘Cmplcticn
(c) &uality icseemce onol Cunlity Cconbral
d Qunlity Myjustnort and Outiing cobral
Arbtwe ) Sunlity auwmcd md 9uality Conbval
QLstion-3 Whith of dthe fallbaing option is rt
Cosoucd ougordig 0A oncl. G.C 2
(a) Pooce copabilitis Chould be monitosad. on the
untbomittitnt bauis
b) 100swuy equipmibt must iove a alibotion al
(C)Nocmmaly mony inspections od donl duwebrg the
proCO monulactvung.
(d) CA dobendl Cn he activities of dthe entie Compom
Ansuwex (a) ProcL copahilitits should be monitvel
on intusmittod basis
Oustion-4 Which he alloaio is an dhe
exompli of 0A ?
(a) Veuilimtion
(b) Sohtwaue testing
(c) Validation
(l) Documintation
Ansoex:-(0) Ve>iication
Quwstion-5 What is the fivat step of 6h?
(a) Pevelopmot eh Standards
Cb) Jdentipication ef Custome neLcl
(c) Setvicing
Cd) Matuol Comtsal
Arsoen-(b) Jdentilioaticm oh Cuitoney nuLd
nood Jabosatooy Rroctics
Quution-1 Stility dt mwst be Conduc.ttd und
Comdition’s, dypinly in a damhon hlou
modull, plac1d tin clo 10o
(o) Gradh. A
(b) Cwode C
(c)G oiode.
(d) Gorade3
AnauoexGrode A
Oustion-2 Sops stould be toniten in a onde
diting dilpont Step n dhi acCom-
plihmbnt on activity
Co) Sequcrtial
(b) Ascencmg
c) Choonokgical
Ans oex:- ©)ChCnalcgical
AULLALicn-3 Pocumont must be pMomptly
OUt othbroise Umoyer!
auricl gamst uninttdol
(a) Suporsidiel
b) oldl
(c) Worong
d) Snoctive
Ankoen- (a) Supeudu
Qwxtion-4 Raw data should. be econdod on dh
duty Contsalltd
(a) Rough book
b) Rough Shocts
(c) Leg book
(d) Roo dato. shanth
Ansoex Ca) Rouw data Shatts
Oution- 5 Al tut mol maasuwig equijpnent ond
likaly do infhuencz. he dt eesut oh
oiucty omd mut be subject do
(a) Mantonamce
(b) Calibration
(c) Cunlijicatin
(d) valielaticm
Anyuex (b) cal’tration
Calibration nd validation
Cuustion-1 Complaint about s on indicntos e
hu product.
(a) Sualihy
(b) Elicacy
(c) Sauty
(d) None. c these
Answex- (a) Suuality
Sution-2 A should. be anihle. pising ull dail
about how do handli pProauct’Complointi
Ca) SoP
b) Repoot
(d) Nene ch thest
Aryuoex (0) SoP
Ouuntion-3 Company moy oecuive eutwnod goods
(a) Potoductim mit
Cb) hlarehoust
(d Both A and. 3
(d) lond othesL
Anhoek-(b) nlwawww.hDuolo wMiex.c om
Oustion-4 Aistibution eacovd Sholl Contain dhe
octhe product
(a) Naml
Cb) Stbungth
(c) Both a and b
(d) lone o hesc
Ansuoe- Bcih a ond b
QuLstion-5 n all. SrduttyS0P will Slmain
Ca) Contot
(b) Ctsuctoe
(c) Ccncept
Cd) Al o dhe above
Ansoex (d) AL o dhd above
LAtÍon-1 Ecbnsion dooe DSS in Do is
(a) ecision Supposet systtm
Cb) Decistom Singlu suat
(c) Path stasahle systim
d) Doha Suþpood Systn
Arstoex a) Decisicn Supposdt systm
Sunstion-2 ha dato is stovod., Iatsioved. and.
updatec in.
(o) OLAP
(b) OLTP
(c) SMTP
(d) FTp
SHnAex (6) OLTP
Quntion-3 he engine dor a dat wadhouss Suppoats
quy-tbuogrdd usage of dhka
(a) NNTP
(b) SMTP
(d) PoP
Answer () OLAP
Suution- 4- NLP stands yot
(a) Non Lmguogt PstocBS
(b) Natwl Level Hocayam
(c) Natwal Langu0aL page
(d) WatwIal Longuogt Kocosm
Hnso ex -Natwal Languoge psocuing (a)
wstion-5 Pota waahouse is
(a) Can be updotid by end usu.
b) Contains mumbrous naming Conventions and yomats
(c) Crvgmistcl avound hmpodovt Subjects avns
Cd) Contains only CWJdnt data
Hnguoek-(c) Cgamiscd aoumcd tmposdant subject
OCumunt maintnance dn phatmacuutical the
Qwstion- What ae 80otl’8 Jou Cxitoria. o
aDbng dho. quality of abumods ?
a) Cudibility, oalohility , awacy, mUonag
(b) Compsuhonsivenos, awIacy, valul, Suoout
(c) viuthinticty , Csudibility, sehrdsotatiets,m mnng
(d) Objectivity, Suhjectivity , outhentic ity, valus
Hnaoee (C)Authcotic.ty , Coudihility, uprastudnthie
701 mlommg
Cupstion-2 Why is t ncumay do Cmidbt dhe
Outhunticdy o pesoal documtrats ? selct
Qll dhot opy9
(a) Becouxe thy hove been Seen by other peopl
Cb) Becouae thai mipht have betn host tooittn 07 heavly
editid by orthe outhosus
Cc) Because Che might mbt eeluct tht tsue felings, of
the tositd
(d)B ecouSO docLmort Con neves be dustol.
Ansuoex-)Beonuse thuy mipht not valuct tha
tbut huLlings of hi tasito.
Ouution-3 Why miplit a colliction of h
pesaonal dttoe from dhe ninttuodh
Century be doto in oupocondotivenu 7
a)Becouse it would be dilhicult do ceod ald- yaniona
Styule o ondiriting
Cb) BecousL it con be hadl yost Q modusn doly ousiatchl
do umdustond Such matoial
(c)Becnusl they mipht hove been daspetid by om unseu-
putous dnlek
Cc) Pecmuil at tht dime litbrcy t0s manly Lmitd to
middlle clay mals
AnsweX-d) Becoust at the dint litorcy toas he
maunly limitid to middle clds mally
Guuntion-4 Why might Social sOnsohesus do be
inturtid un analyui photognophs O
ahbsm ovisual dotn ?
(a) lo ind out mau obout hashen, ovcdihoct ancl
evexydoy iht uin a þaxticulat Sociol seiting
Cb) o Study thl wy phottgmaphs postrdho idtalstd
dusickjons o honilyL ifo
c)To hel them su tuhat ras ot beon þhotcoa/phud
Ond why
d) AU o Me obove
Ansox AL dwwwh.DueloM aibx.coovme
Suwstion-5 Which odhe olouning is not
an exomhls oOn clliciald ocumdrd7
(a) &lposde o a public tinguiy thnto a d JOSTU
Cb) W PhD studods’s calluction irdtruies dramso
C) LoCumodation yom Q phamocditical company obo
(d) A leaked momo Om one number oh parliomott
to anothl
AnAwex (b) A PHD stdnts ecliction oh
nteniew ttsmscvipi
on-1 Which o ollobng9 Con be
Studio as a doCumuutaty Sounc
Hom the mas mudia
(O) he minuths c a paxish coumcil moLtong9
(6) Pevsonal Juttx betwen a moth and hol thei
asticles about a baticudtv isud as
(d) he Stal netas te oducttd by a privatl
AADOX () Newsabex dicls obout a porticular
L Ot event
Suwstion-2 wWhy Con it be dilicult do estahlish
dhe outhertiecry of Visdhual data?
(a) becouL we do 1ot nou uho wrUtt the maoinl
Cn a web Site
Cb)BecauseL viodual dott avl not as g00dl as achnl
Cc) Demusl it moy 0guise Specialist nsido ol
d) Qecous it ds uxall pentnl in he do
viSual umtgls
AnAwex -(a)b ecou. Oe do 70t knoc chn
Wvate he
www.DuloMmix.caomtiol on a web site.
MLLion-3 Wh it mposdnt do gudy
dhe. way audliorct ‘vaod cultual
(a) To damonstvatt how audinees paowively accop
whottvest thy u ald
(6) Becaust dhubd intipithdiom of itm oly diyr
wrom dhot ntondd by the outhosu
C)Becaune Socialogitts axd titmmmg out of neto thrngs
to tlaslasch
(d) Becous0 thou ú a dot of fumding avcuiohlu
yos ccus gHOup Sudios
Hnbtoex-(6) Becoul thiiy ivrtopottation a it
mOy dio fyom uthat nttmdicl by thl
uLtion-4: How does qualitotive Condnt ha
Onalysi om quonthtive odort
0maltyuis 9
(a) t s aluays odC Idto. by thnogrophic odaslarch.
(b) 94 dnvabe counti9 the mmbëst of Count dmt Crtom
word, oppea n a xt
(c) St Jo vigid, t Snsnvehev OQ Consfonly of
o@vising heis Concehts
(d is Jo ikely do be. und by jonnit dunschdye
Answex C) U, sugid, 0tt ouDsIaschot One al
owwows.Din u9lo Mix.cVoumtheibt concqhtg
Ouertiom- 5 What is emiotic?
(a)he studly ofSemi- detochscd housds
(b) Wall boêid. attonpt at Social draasiorch
(c)he. metod o Senmi stnuctvtd unirvieumg
(d) he science e Sons
Hnswex (d) he science e Sigrs