B.architechture (sem3) (all subjects) winter 2021 GTU paper pdf




Subject Code: 2X35002 Date: 24/12/2021
Subject Name: Building Construction-III
Time: 10:30 AM TO 1:30 PM Total Marks: 40

1. Attempt any Four Questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.



Q.1 (a) Explain jack arch flooring with the help of detailed sketches 05

(b) Explain the difference between one way slab and two way slab 05


Q.2 (a) What is a roof? Enlist various types of roof. Sketch in detail any one 05
Type of roof from the following.
1) Closed Couple roof 2) Lean-to roof


(b) Define the following terms (Any 5 out of 7): 05

. 1) Span 2) Wall plate 3) Purlins 4) Ridge 5) Common
Rafters 6) Valley 7) Gable end


Q.3 (a) Schematic section of Toilet and basic drainage system for a G+1 05


(b) What is a Trap? Enlist and Sketch type of Traps 05

Q.4 (a) Sketch, plans and elevations for any two different types of fixtures
For washrooms and give their dimensions. 05


(b) What is the waterproofing and describe the method for 05
Waterproofing of flat roof?

Q.5 Design a roof truss for 10 M wide span. Draw its sectional 10

Elevation and sketch its joineries details and label it.





Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________

S ubject Code: 2X35003 Date:28/12/2021

S ubject Name:Structure-II
T ime:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks:50
I nstructions:
1. Attempt all questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) Define determinate and indeterminate structure with its examples. 04

(b) Differentiate between short column and long column. 06

Q.2 (a) Derive relation between shear force and bending moment. 04
(b) Calculate fixed end moment for a fixed beam of span 8 m subjected to central 06

point load of 60 kN & u.d.l of 30 kN/m over entire span. Draw B.M diagram
for beam. OR
(b) A two span continuous beam ABC h as span AB=BC=6m carries u.d.l of 06

12kN/m over entire span AB, while sp an BC carries a central point load of
36kN. Draw B.M. diagram. Use Theorem of three moments.

Q.3 (a) Explain no tension condition in the column. 04
(b ) A circular column of 400mm in diameter carries a load of 650 KN at an 0 6

eccentricity of 100mm. Calculate the maximum and minimum stress for the
column. Draw the stress diagram.

Q.3 (a) State assumptions and limitations of Euler’s theory. 04

(b) A fixed beam of span 6.5m carries two point loads 25kN each at 1.5m 06
distance from both supports. Draw B.M diagram for the beam.

Q.4 (a) State Castigliano’s first theorem with its usefulness. 04
(b) Determine vertical deflection at free end for a cantilever beam shown in fig 1 06

using Castigliano’s 1st theorem. Take E = 2 x 105N/mm2 & I = 8 x 108mm4.

Q.4 Analyse beam of fig 2 & draw B.M diagram. Use Slope Deflection method. 10

Q .5 Draw shear force and bending diagram for the beam as shown in figure 3 1 0

Q.5 Draw shear force and bending diagram for the beam as shown in figure 4