Gtu B.architecture sem 1 syllabus copy




SUBJECT NAME: Architecture Design Studio – I

1st Year: Semester: I
It is a beginner course. There is no prerequisite for this course.
Architecture Design: introduction to design parameters, anthropometrics, human activity and the use of space.
Teaching and Assessment Scheme: 

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total University
Field Lectures Studio C External exam Internal exam Marks Exam
work (ESE)Theory (ESE) (PA)Theory (PA)Viva Type

2 2 4 08 NA 40 NA 60 100 JURY


Sr. No. Content Total Hours* % Weightage*

1 Understanding of basic shelter and its types  44 35%

2 Study of anthropometry and its co-relevance with spaces 44 35%

Design Exercise of a simple architectural form based on an
understanding of anthropometry

3 Related Study Program-I (understanding of built   40 30%
environment by participating directly)  

– Understanding human activity and use of space
– Explore relationship between architecture, its

surrounding context, people and culture 
–  Understanding of various facets of built

– Document and record information regarding

architecture and culture, methods of observation,
recording, documenting and representing 

*: indicative

Reference Books: 
 Architecture: Form, Space, and Order by Francis D. K Ching, Willey
 V. S. Pramar, Design fundamentals in Architecture, Somaiya Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1973
 Architecture: A Visual History, Jonathan Glancey, DK, Penguin Random House, 2017
 Human Dimension and Interior Space, A Source Book of Design Reference Standards By Julius Panero, Martin

Zelnik, 2014
 Architects’ Data, Ernst Neufert, 1970


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Course Outcome:
Sr. No. CO Statement Marks

% Weightage
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1 Analyze spaces with respect to anthropometry 20%
2 Select appropriate design principles, shelter type and scale of spaces, relevant 10%

ones for given set of requirement
3 Evaluate the character/quality of design of various shelter styles, use of space 10%

with respect to human activity 
4 Identify key visual elements during RSP 10%
5 Propose a small architecture input 50%

List of Projects/Assignments*:
Lectures, Studios, Field trips, Study tour, documentation, recording, presentation, group discussion
A small architecture intervention of any sort can be given for exercise of skills/knowledge gained during this semester.
*- this is suggestive for common purpose. Faculty may decide on this, considering student group and institution

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SUBJECT NAME: Technical Representation of Drawing (TRD) – I

1st Year: Semester: I
It is a beginner course. There is no prerequisite for this course.
To develop an understanding of technical drawing as a tool for communication
Teaching and Assessment Scheme: 

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total University
Field Lectures Studio C External exam Internal exam Marks Exam Type
work (ESE)Theory (ESE) (PA)Theory (PA)Viva

1 1 4 06 40 NA 60 NA 100 DRAWING


Sr. No. Content Total Hours* % Weightage*

1 Introduction & Use of Drawing Instruments  24 25%
Line Exercise 

2 Orthographic Projections: Points, Lines, Planes, Solids 48 50%
Orthographic Projections: Inclined Objects 

3 Auxiliary Projections 24 25%

*: indicative

Reference Books: 
 Engineering Drawing – N. D. Bhatt 
 Essentials of Drafting – B. James
  Rendering with pen and ink – Gill Robert
 Architectural Graphics – Frank Ching, latest edition

List of Projects/Assignments*:
Drafting Exercises, Model making, Presentations 
*- this is suggestive for common purpose. 




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SUBJECT NAME: Building Construction – I

1st Year: Semester: I
It is a beginner course. There is no prerequisite for this course.
Understanding of basic building elements, building materials and different construction processes
Teaching and Assessment Scheme: 

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total University
Field Lectures Studio C External exam Internal exam Marks Exam Type
work (ESE)Theory (ESE) (PA)Theory (PA)Viva

1 2 3 06 40 NA 60 NA 100 DRAWING


Sr. No. Content Total Hours* % Weightage*

1 Unit I: Introduction Structural and non structural building 24 25%
elements and terminologies   
Building Elements – a. functions and Design 
                                    b. Important Building Components 
                                    c. Foundation, Plinth and Superstructure 
                                    d. Typical wall section  
Understanding of basic construction drawing

2 Unit II: Building Material  24 25%
Study of basic building materials like mud, brick, stone, timber 
and bamboo

3 Unit III: Building Construction   48 50%
Stone Masonry – a. Construction Techniques with examples 
                               b. Case studies of buildings, landmark                      
Brick Masonry –  a. Techniques with examples 
                               b. Types of Brick masonry 
                               c. Case studies  
Mud Construction – a. Techniques with examples 
                                     b. Types of mud Construction 
                                     c. Case studies

*: indicative


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Reference Books: 
 Construction of Building Vol.-I- R. Berry 
 Building Construction Metric Vol.-II- W. B. Mckay 
 Construction Technology Vol.-I- Chudley 
 Building Construction Illustrated- Francis D. K. Ching 
 Engineering Materials – S.C. Rangwala (course book) 
 Building Materials – B.C. Punamia (Additional Reference) 
 Time Savers Standards – Building Materials and Systems – Donald Watson (Advanced Reference)

List of Projects/Assignments*:
Lectures, Drafting exercises and case studies, sketches & model making, Site visit, Practical 
*- this is suggestive for common purpose. 


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SUBJECT NAME: Basics of Design

1st Year: Semester: I
It is a beginner course. There is no prerequisite for this course.
This course is aimed to introduce basic principles of Design to students. This will introduce students to visual elements
and basic principles of designing i.e. symmetry, balance, rhythm, focus, contrast, repetition, variety, scale, proportion etc.
Thereby, sensitize students to be more observant to their surroundings and promote it as a basic creative instinct in the
Teaching and Assessment Scheme: 

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total University
Field Lectures Studio C External exam Internal exam Marks Exam
work (ESE)Theory (ESE) (PA)Theory (PA)Viva Type

NA 2 4 06 NA 40 NA 60 100 JURY


Sr. No. Content Total Hours* % Weightage*

1 Visual elements: point and line, shape and mass etc 24 25%

2 Principles of design: unity and variety, balance, emphasis 24 25%

and focal point, proportion etc
3 Exploring colour scheme and its application on architectural 48 50%

forms and spaces  
Nature Study
Study of textures and light
Study of linear and Planar forms using simple material like
Mount Board, metal foil, box boards, wires, string,
thermocol etc.
Study of Solids and voids to evolve sculptural forms and
spaces and explore the play of light and shade and
application of color
Study of fluid and plastic forms using materials like clay,
pop etc.

*: indicative
Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks
R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level

05 20 20 10 10 35
Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application; N: Analyze; E: Evaluate; C: create and above levels
(Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

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Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual distribution of
marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books: 

 Architecture: Form, Space, and Order by Francis D. K Ching, Willey
 V. S. Pramar, Design fundamentals in Architecture, Somaiya Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1973
 Webb, Frank, “The Artist guide to Composition, “David & Charles, U.K., 1994
 Drawing a Creative Process”, Ching Francis, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990
 Architecture: A Visual History, Jonathan Glancey, DK, Penguin Random House, 2017

Course Outcome:

Sr. No. CO Statement Marks
% Weightage

Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1 Analyze various design styles with respect to design principles applied and 20%

visual elements used.
2 Select from various visual elements and design principles, relevant ones for 10%

given set of requirement
3 Evaluate the character/quality of design with respect to design principles like 10%

unity and variety, balance, emphasis and focal point, proportion, scale etc 
4 Identify key visual elements features taught in this course 10%
5 Propose different designs using various basic design principles 50%

List of Projects/Assignments*:
Lectures/Class work shall consist of presentations on various fundamentals of design as listed above. This subject is best
delivered by various exercises, Model making etc.
*- this is suggestive for common purpose. Faculty may decide on this, considering student group and institution

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1st Year, 1  SEMESTER

Type of course: B.Arch. Humanities
Prerequisite: NA

 The genesis and forces of evolution. The individual and the universal
 “Self” – Their unity and diversities.
 Values of Self and the world around. “I” –The total, the part, the observer, the interpreter, the

participant and the designer.
 Formation of values & cultures.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total
    Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks

L T P C ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I)
2 0 0 2 50 50 0 0 100


Sr. Teaching Weightage

No. Hrs. %
1 Emergence of universe: 9 25

The formless and its formation in to the physical form of Duals
and Plurals. The overlaps of Physics and Metaphysics in
appreciation of “The Mind-Matter” synonyms.

2 Tool making 12 50
A natural human evolutionary process, tools for extension of man
to reach universal scales: Tools for Mental efficiency extensions,
Work efficiency extensions and Management efficiency
extensions (Mantra- Yantra- Tantra )

3 Eco-systems and Eco-cultures: 9 25
Context and formation of value Judgments at Global, Regional
and Local scales. Formation of cultures and civilizations as a
process of “Feel & Thoughts”.


Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks
R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level

05 15 30 25 05 20
Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate

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C: Create and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The
actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. Text Books: The Ascent of Man: Jacob Bronwski.
2. The Making of Man: David Leakey
3. Atma Bodh – Chinmaya Mission
4. Prana Upanishad – Chinmaya Mission
5. Aittariya Upanishad – Chinmaya Mission
6. Vedanta and Modern Physics – Ram Krishna Mission
7. The Turning Point: Kapra Fritjot
8. The Tao of Physics: Kapra Fritjot
9. Space, Time & Architecture – Seigfrid Gideon
Course Outcome:
Sr.No CO Statement Marks %Weightage

Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1 Understand: The chronology of evolution of human culture, 25

social behavior, intellect etc.
2 Evaluate:  How social organization, culture, and personal 35

behavior of humans got translated into Architectural wonders.
3 Explain: Development of art, architecture, language and human 20

4 Propose: How overall evolution of human and its impact on 20

Term Work:
Preparation of notes/report based on the discussions, tutorials, readings.
List of Tutorials: Few reference video tutorials for common reference.
1. New evolution in human origins

2. The Big Bang Theory
3. History of Earth

4. Continental Drift
5. World war and Industrialization

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SUBJECT NAME: Architecture Communication Skills-I

1st Year, Semester: I
It is a beginner course. There is no prerequisite for this course.
Introduction to Architectural Vocabulary, Communication and Verbal presentation skills 
Teaching and Assessment Scheme: 

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total University
Field Lectures Studio C External exam Internal exam Marks Exam
work (ESE)Theory (ESE) (PA)Theory (PA)Viva Type

NA 2 0 02 50 NA 50 NA 100 EXAM


Sr. No. Content Total Hours* % Weightage*

1 General English Grammar: Direct and reported speech, 08 25%
active and passive voice, Tenses and propositions, Condition 

2 Architectural Vocabulary 18 60%

Architectural presentation skills (verbal)
3 Body Language and speaking skills 06 15%

*: indicative
Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks
R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level

25 25 25 10 05 10
Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application; N: Analyze; E: Evaluate; C: create and above levels
(Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual distribution of
marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books: 

 Jain A. K., Professional Communication Skills: S. Chand publishing
 Lesikar R V, Flatley M E ,Rentz K and Pandey, Business Communication: Making Connections in a Digital

World 2009: New Delhi, Tata Mcgrow Hill 
 Kumar S and Lata P, Communication Skills 2011: New Delhi Oxford University Press
 Leech, Geoffrey and Jan Svartvik. A Communicative Grammar of English. New Delhi: Pearson, 2009.
 Introduction to Communication skills, Mahajan Publishing House
 Communication Skills, Parul Popat
 Communication Skills, Pearson publishers

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Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:

1. Understand the factors affecting quality of communication, improve general language skills
2. Build Architectural vocabulary (in English language)
3. Enhance phonetic competence, comprehension skills, presentation skills, group discussion skills etc
4. Enhance architectural (professional) presentation skills

List of Projects/Assignments*:
Lectures, Group discussions, Films, presentations etc
*- this is suggestive for common purpose. 

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