Biochemistry MCQ pdf




1. Which of following is common compound shared by TCA cycle and Urea

  a. α – Ketoglutarate   b. Succinyl COA 

  c. Oxaloacetate    d. Fumarate 

2. There are about ________ types of specialized cells in Human body.

                  a. 250     b. 350    c. 450    d. 550

3. A eukaryotic cell is generally 10 to _________ um in diameter.

                  a. 400    b. 300    c. 200    d. 100

4. Sub-cellular organelles are _________ in prokaryotic cell.

                  a. present    b. absent     c. both a & b   d. none

5. _________ is the largest cellular organelle in cell.

                   a. Golgi apparatus    b. Lysosomes   

c. Nucleus      d. Mitochondria

6. __________ is the major site for purine nucleotide synthesis.

  a. Brain  b. Liver C. adipose Tissue d. Kidney

7. Nucleus contains ___________ the repository of genetic information.

                   a. Ribosome    b. DNA    c. Cytosol     d. Vacuole 

8. The cellular matrix is collectively referred to as _________.

                   a. Ribosome   b. DNA    c. Cytosol      d. Vacuole

9. _________ is the programmed cell death or cell suicide.

                   a. Apoptosis     b. Autotosis    c. Destrosis    d. None 

10. Carbohydrates are precursors for many ____ compound





                  a. Organic     b. Inorganic     c. both a & b     d. none

11. Monosaccharides is based on which of the following functional group

                   a. Phenol        b. Alcohol      c. Ketoses     d. None

12. The carbohydratet hat is taken as a reference for writing the     
configuration of others

                   a. Dihydroxyacetone      b.Glyceraldehyde   

c. D-Erythrose      d. D-Xylose

13. lf two monosaccharide  differ in configuration around a single carbon

atom, they are known as

a. Diclomers    b. Bimers     c. Epimers     d. None

14. The non-carbohydrate moiety found in glycosides is known as

          a. Aglycone     b. Agnine    c. both a & b    d. None

15. Citrate Synthase is inhibited by ___________.

      a. ATP     b. Acetyl CoA      c. ADH      d. Both a & b

16. Kreb Cycle is ___________ in nature.

         a. Anabolic     b. Catabolic    c. Amphibolic    d. None

17. TCA cycle is actively involved in___________.

          a. Gluconeogenesis        b. Phosphorylation    

c. Both a & b     d. None

18. One of the following enzymes in glycolysis catalyzes an irreversible action.

         a. Hexokinase                               b. Phosphofructokinase   

         c. Pyruvate kinase                      d. All of them





19. Synthesis of 2, 3-bisphosphoglycerate occurs in the tissue namely.
         a. Liver                                          b. Kidney
         c. Erythrocytes                            d. Brain

20. End product of glycolysis is ______________.

  a. Glucose   b. Pyruvic Acid  
c. Citric Acid  d. Glycogen 

21. The hormone that lowers cAMP concentration in liver cells is
         a. Glucagon                    b. Insulin
        c. Epinephrine               d. Thyroxine

22. The number of ATP produced when a molecule of acetyl CoA is oxidized

through citric acid cycle

         a. 12                       b. 24                         c. 38                      d. 15

23. The connecting link between HMP shunt and lipid synthesisis

         a. Ribose    b. NADPH    c. Sedoheptulose7 –phosphate   d. NADH.

24. The six most common atoms in organic molecules

         a. C,H,O,He,Ca & S                     b. C,H,O,N,P & S
         b. C,H,O,Mg,Mn & S                   d. C,H,O,N,P & K

25. The structure of proteins can be denatured by its particular

         a. Heat                       b. The presence of oxygen 

         c. The polar bonds of water molecules     d. The presence of CO2 gas

26. Which is a linear Polysaccharide?

          a. Glycogen             b. Cellulose      c. Starch     d.Amylose

27. Ribose is a pentose sugar found in

         a. NAD     b. FAD     c. RNA    d. All of these 





28. The most abundant monosaccharide in nature is 

          a. Lactose              b. Glucose     c. Maltose       d. Sucrose

29. Which of the following is a polysaccharide 

         a. Glucose         b. Glycogen            c. Amylose           d. Lactose

30. The highest concentration of cystine can be found in 

         a. Melanin     b. Keratin      c. Myosin     d. Collagen

31. The formation of cysteine occurs at 

         a. ER        b. Golgi apparatus     

c. Cytosol       d. Mitochondria

32. Natural Lipids are readily soluble in 

         a. Oil     b. Mercury     c. Water      d. None of these

33. The synthesis of glucose from fat is called 

        a. Glycolysis     b. Krebs cycle    
c. Saponification     d. Gluconeogenesis

34. High content of triglyceride is seen in 

         a. HDL      b. LDL        c. VLDL       d. Chylomicrons

35. The no. of double bond in Arachidonic acid

         a. 1     b. 2     c. 3     d. 4

36. Two Monosaccharide’s are joined by 

          a. Peptide bond            b. Phosphodiester bond      
         c. Glycosidic bond         d. Hydrogen bond 

37. Monosaccharides are 





         a. Aldoses     b. Ketoses     c. Both a & b     d. none of these

38. The most common monomer of carbohydrate is

        a. Nucleotide     b. Glucose     c. Amino acids     d. Maltose

39. The element found in all amino acids that is not found in carbohydrates is

         a. Sulphur      b. Carbon      c. Oxygen      d. Nitrogen

40. The following substance is ketogenic

         a. Fatty Acids       b. Leucine      
c. Lysine      d. all of them

41. Hormone sensitive lipase activity is inhibited by the hormone

         a. Epinephrine     b. Insulin     

c. Thyroxine     d. Glucocorticoids

42. Hypercholesterolemia is observed in the disorder

         a. Hypothyroidism                    c. Diabetes mellitus      
         c. Nephrotic Sydrome              d. All of them

43. Cellular respiration is an example of 

  a. Endergonic Reaction  b. Oxidation Reaction

  c. Exergonic Reaction  d. None of these  

44. Nucleoside is a pyrimidine or purine base which _____________.

  a. covalently bonded to sugar  b. Ionically bonded to sugar

  c. Hydrogen bonded to sugar  d. None of these 

45. A compound which found in all living cells and play key role in energy

transformation is  

  a. ADP b. ATP c. Chlorophyll  d. Granum





46. Type III glycogen storage disease is known as ___________.

   a. Cori disease   b.  Gierke’s disease 

  c. Pompe’s disease d. Anderson’s disease 

47. DNA replication states with 

  a. Small fragments of DNA  b. DNA ligase  

  c. OKAZAKI fragments   d. Small fragments of RNA

48. Each enzyme have its ______________ structure.

  a. Primary  b. Secondary  
c. Tertiary  d. Quaternary

49. Bile acid is synthesized in __________.

  a. Kidney  b. Liver c. Inine  d. Stomach

50. ____________ is a end product of gluconeogenesis pathway.

  a.   Pyruvate  b. Glucose  

c. Bile acid  d. Oxaloacetate